Break free

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(Hey it's kayla and sorry this is late but school is hard but after we settle there will be more updates.  thios is a short chapter and we will be updating later this week  THIS IS NOT EDITED!!!!!!!! love you bye)

Harry"s pov:

It's time to put my plan into action. I tugged Hazel along down the corridor. 

" Harry what are we doing" she asks.

" SSHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I yelled.

We make our way to the hatch I recently discovered. I pull it open carefully, and climb down the old beat up latter. 

" Jump down and I will catch you" I said.

" I swear if I fall and you down catch me I will murder you and straighten your curls so you look ugly" she sneered.

" Dont worry I will always catch you, always" I smirked.

She jumped and we continued down the tunnel trying to get to the surface. After and hour we reach the hatch that leads outside. I lift it up and prop the latter.

I let Hazel climb first, I am such a gentleman. Once we are both out we sprint into the woods hidden by the shadows.

" Do you think he will find us" she asks.

" Probably but at least we are free for now" I say.

She nods and we sit down. After a few hours of rest we decide to set up a camp.

"I will get the wood and you can get some berries, be cafeful and try not to pick bad berries" I ordered. 

" yes sir" she saluted.

I push the thick brambles away with my forearm. 


There in front of me was a pile of wood probably cut down juddging by the stump next to it.  I gather as many as I can and  haul them back repeating the process over and over.

When  I finished I sat on a log and waited for Hazel to return.

Hazel's pov: 

I found a black berry bush a while ago and i am currently stuff as many as I can into my sweatshirt that I took off. 

OMG I feel like that kid from hatchet collecting berries and stuff.

I pick up my sweatshirt full of berries and carried in my arms on the way back.


I whirled around causing a few berries to drop to the ground. 

" w-w-who's t-there" I whispered.

Nothign  but a silence greeted me.

Suddenly a large hand covers my mouth while I struggle. Black dot swirled my vision before I blacked out.

Adrian's pov:

" u-u-umm sir it seems that the captives have gotten away" What's his face says.

" Thanks you for the informatipon but theat was a apart of the plan. I own that forest out there and I know every inch of it trust me. I know exactly where they are. Now go and keep an eye on them and report back" I ordered.

He shuffled out , I slouch down in my chair reviewing the plan in my head. Those fools won't know what hit them.

I prepare the next step of my paln while humming a catchy tune. 

After I finish planning I head to my master bedroom.

I should get a good nights sleep if I and going to destroy lives tomorrow.

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