The Reveal (part 2)

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Author's Note

Hey guys it's is Bailee school is finally over so I shouldn't forget to update or not be able to. Hope you like part 2 too this chapter.


Hazel POV

I woke up still in this hell hole, I hoped it was a dream but it wasn't. I looked over next me to see that Harry was no longer their. I jolt of worry shot through me, I had to find him and make sure he didn't get more injured than he already was. I tried to move away from the wall, but then remembered I couldn't because I was still chained to it. I could feel the coldness from the rotting metal on my hands, my hands started to sting from me trying to escape from the torturous metal grasping my hands. Nothing seemed to work, it just made my hands brighter in the color of red. The skin was starting to rip on my hands, I was becoming numb in the hands though from the crisp temperatures around me. Yesterday it was hot as hell which I was pretty sure I was in, but now it was freezing so now I wasn't exactly sure where I was. All I knew was that I had to escape, but Harry was coming with me no matter what. The thing that scared me the most was that I'm not sure if he will will be leaving here alive or life less in my arms. I tried one last time to release myself from the cold metal restraining me from escape. I tried to ignore the pain as much as possible, which wasn't to hard considering I was almost completely numb in the wrists. The freezing air was seeming to take a toll on the handcuffs and the part on the one handcuff completely broke off. Now my left hand was free and it wasn't to hard to release the other handcuffs harsh grip on my right wrist. Luckily I was wearing a coat so I quickly stuffed my hands in my pockets trying to warm them up as fast as possibly, and regain feeling completely in my hands and wrists again. I quickly scurried out of the room hoping to find a room more pleasant looking, but I had no luck. I decided I was going to find Harry and we were both going to get out of here. We were going to escape the beast lurking around this place, I just hope that it didn't find Harry before I did. It was dead silent, and that was the worst thing of all. You felt alone and like their was no hope for you. I might of been a little mad at Harry but that doesn't mean I was going to leave him behind. I was falling for him and I hope he would see that and fall for me too because I think it was too late to catch myself. I walked into a strange looking room the stench of blood was surrounding the room. It was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing, I should of been scared but the adrenaline rush I had pumping through my system urged me to keep going. But it all quickly faded when I heard his voice, one that I was hoping I wouldn't have to hear again say "aah you came just in time to see the show, you MIGHT be leaving here alive but your little boyfriend's chances are very slim and by slim I mean zero" hearing his voice my skin crawl and I HAD no idea what the devil wanted with Harry, but now I knew that he defiantly wanted to take Harry's life and he planned on doing so. But he didn't know was that I think I loved Harry and love conquers all even the demons lurking in the shadows.

Author's Note

Ok I hope you guys like it, I think it is the best chapter I have EVER written. Even compared to my other book Missing but that is on my other account baileekup123. You should check it out. Remember to vote, follow, and comment. Kayla should be updating Tuesday talk to you guys next Friday or maybe sooner (hehe).

Love you all Bye.

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