Thanks & Books

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Hey guys, thanks so much for reading my book and thanks @shontaya1216 and @livbently for commenting I appreciate it. 


Series: Magic Love

The Magical Kiss:

Kathy is a 17 year old girl, and her family and friends never seem to be there. She owns one very special horse, which is the only thing that keeps her happy. Everything changes when she meets a stunning man and they share a magical kiss.

This is a journey through, love, pain, magic and kidnapping. I wonder what will happen?

Mission Love

Bella Carter is now 18 and is ready for her first mission, The Poison Darts is an organisation that is trying to destroy all of the magical people ( including Bella). 

But Bella can't go alone she is accompanied by her crush Zack Eastwood, will he be her crush by the end of the mission? The pair is pushed to their limits both physically and mentally, they get stuck in many uncomfortable and awkward situations.



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