Chapter 32 - Cover shoot with Alex

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„Good morning El,” Tessa smiled as she grabbed a cup of coffee. „Morning. You look beautiful this morning - do you have any special plans for today?” Eleanor asked since it was quite early and all of the boys were still a sleep. „Actually yes, Alex just called me - and his shoot have been moved to today - so I’m meeting up with him just to get the last details figured out,” Tessa explained while searching for her white Air Max. She was wearing a pair of black nylon socks, a slim high waisted skirt and black crop t-shirt topped with an oversized grey blazer. „Oh Alex, he’s a fine looking guy - I can’t believe you get to work with all of these people,” Eleanor groaned. „El, you know you’re a model right? And you’re dating Louis Tomlinson from One Direction? You meet interesting people all the time,” Tessa stated and checked the time on her phone. „Fuck I’m so late, could you tell Harry I left?” Eleanor of course agreed and after their goodbye Tessa was instantly out of the door.

„Well well well, isn’t this Tessa Ozols herself?” Some guy standing behind her asked. She quickly turned around and was met with a big smile. „Hi Alex, good to see you,” she replied. „Wonderful to see you again darling,” Alex said before kissing her hand. „Are you ready for the shoot?” Tessa asked probably more excited than him. „Yeah I’ve been looking forward to this,” he replied and then their work began. Tessa explained how the Men’s Vogue Cover hopefully was going to look, just as the rest of the behind-the-lens-workers showed up. The time flew by and Tessa was enjoying every moment, from when she was picking out Alex’s outfits, to when she was changing the scenery or instructing the photographer.

„Okay, just give me ten more frames - and then I think we’ve got it,” Tessa said to Alex as she was fixing his hair. „Sure, I’ll give you the most amazing ten frames… If you allow me to take you out on a date,” he flirted. Tessa froze already fearing Harry’s response to this conversation. „That’s probably not a good idea,” she simply replied - still doing his hair. „Why? We’re only working together today - and then I’m done with my cover shoot.  „I know it’s not that… I just don’t think Harry would appreciate me going out with other guys, if you know what I mean,” she sent him an unapologetic smile. She knew she couldn’t really use Harry as an excuse since they hadn’t officially agreed to be boyfriend-girlfriend, but since she knew she would be hurt if Harry went out with some other girl, she couldn’t do that to him. „Oh sorry, I didn’t think you guys were together anymore - I saw some pictures in a magazine of you moving into that hotel a while ago,” he explained and his fingers were suddenly busy with the hem of his shirt. „Well if you believed everything you read - I would be dating several guys at once, including you and Harry,” Tessa said and laughed at the silliness of this conversation. This talk had earlier created a fight between her and Harry, but now she was joking about the press with Alex.

„So you’re going back to New York soon right?” Alex asked and swallowed the last of his coffee. Tessa was still sipping at her cup. They had just finished the shoot and it had gone better than expected - now they were overlooking the results while some interns were cleaning the place up. „Yup, I ordered the plane ticket and already started packing my stuff,” she replied nodding. „Well… Then what about - you know the world’s biggest boyband?” Alex asked with a fake fangirl scream that made Tessa chuckle. „What about them?” „I was kinda thinking of one of them in particular,” Alex teasingly rolled his eyes. „They touring, so they’ll stop by New York at some point - but I don’t really know, we haven’t exactly discussed it,” she shrugged and already felt as if something around her heart tightened by the thought of leaving Harry.

Alex held the door for Tessa as they left the shooting area. „I’ll actually be staying in New York for some time as well,” he explained and Tessa observed him carefully. „You are?” She sounded surprised. „Yeah, I have this movie coming up and we’re shooting on Manhattan, so it would be nice to have someone to show me around - if you’re free of course,” he suggested. „What movie?” She asked. „Actually it’s Magic Mike XXL,” Alex stated with a goofy grin - he remembered her earlier comment about already having seen him strip. She clearly remembered as well since she was blushing pretty fiercely. „So what do you say - will you me my tour guide?” He asked dramatically. „Sure, it’s always nice with more friendly faces,” Tessa replied and got pulled in a hug by him before he thanked her and closed the door to her cab. As the cab drove away she watched him still standing on the sidewalk waving at her and ignoring all the surrounded by photographers.

„Hey Ashley,” Tessa sent her least friendly colleague and overly fake smile. Her resemblance to Leighton Meester still shocked Tessa - how could someone so unpleasant remind her of someone so inspirational? It was a puzzle. „Hi Theresa, well I Harry dumbed you, ouch. But I guess he discovered that he easily could find much better,” Ashley snickered evilly. „Darling I thought you were cleverer than that - you aren’t supposed to believe what those magazines write, or what you stupid friends from the Modest! Management tells you. But I’m just dropping off these pictures and then I have a date with Harry, so enjoy you day in the office,” Tessa said and blew Ashley a kiss. She almost laughed at the look on Ashley’s face as she once again left the office. What a bitch. 

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