Just One Night ~11~

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Hey Wattpad!!

Ok, so, I FINALLY got some time to upload!!!:) Yes, this is NOT a joke, I have REALLY uploaded!:)

I just wanted to say... Thank you to everyone who comments and just makes my day!!! Every time I get a message saying someone has fanned me, I just freak out!:D Seriously, y'all are AMAZINGLY AWESOME!!!!:D I'm sorry it took so long to upload:( I have family in England and I'm visiting them for only a couple of weeks, and I only get these couple of weeks once a year:'(

BUT everyone's at work today, so guess what? UPLOAD TIME!!:D

So, enjoy the chapter, and thank you again to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!!!:)

 UPDATE 4/29/2013: Dedication because she made the new cover!!:D <3


            "Happy Thanksgiving!" My dad greeted me.

             I just groaned in response, shifting a little in bed to get comfy again. I'd been up late, texting Rania. She'd decided to tell her mom about being pregnant tomorrow, even though it had been two weeks since she'd found out.

             I'd been up until way too late talking her into it.

             Speaking of late...

             "What time is it?" I mumbled, not even sure if my dad was still there.

             "6:30AM. Now come on! Jennifer is expecting us. I said we'd help out." My dad said.

             I shot up, shocked. "6:30?! Dad, what the hell?" I screeched.

             "Get dressed." He said, but I could see a little smile. Apparently he enjoyed seeing me suffer.

             I fell back onto my bed, wishing sleep would miraculously take over again.

             It didn't happen. Not that I'd really expected it to; I'd never really been able to just make myself go back to sleep once I'd woken up.

             After about ten minutes or so, I stood up, heading for my closet and throwing on some jeans and a random shirt. If I looked good enough to pull off a photo, I'd be happy.

             And knowing Jennifer, she'd want at least one photo. In the past couple of months, her and my dad had become serious, and I loved her, but the woman took too many damn photos.

             I checked my phone for any messages, and found Rania had sent me another one. I groaned as I read through it; she was wondering if Matthew should be there or not.

             I began texting again. Yes! Then your mom knows he's serious about being involved.

             Her text had been sent at 4AM, so either she'd be out like a light bulb, or she'd be wide awake in a scary way.

             I prayed to God that she was asleep. She definitely needed it, especially since she'd been running on pure adrenaline since she found out she was pregnant, having discovered online that she shouldn't drink caffeine.

             I heard a knock, and jumped in the middle of applying a little mascara.


            "Are you almost ready?" My dad asked.

             Instead of answering, I screwed the top back onto the mascara bottle, and got up to open the door.

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