Just One Night ~Epilogue~

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  • Dedicated to Every single amazing fan!!:D

Hey Wattpad!

So, here's the epilogue... I'll do the mushy stuff at the end...

 You'll understand the stuff at the side later:)


“Cam! Where’s my bag?!” I yelled into the bedroom.

“It’s on the bed!” He called back.

I sighed. “And you couldn’t bring it out to me? You do realize this is the last time we’ll see each other until tomorrow, right?” I asked, walking into our room. We’d been living in this apartment for the past five years, since the year after we’d graduated high school and I'd started working on my degree in journalism.

And tomorrow, I was getting married to him.

“I know, I know.” He was sitting on the bed, staring up at me.

“Getting scared?” I asked, trying to hide that I was definitely terrified. I didn’t think I’d ever get this far, but now…

“A little, but more than that I’m excited. I can’t wait to see you in your dress.” He pulled me to him so I was standing between his legs.

I laughed. “More like you can’t wait to see it on the floor of the hotel.” I teased, making him groan.

“It’s going to be an amazing night.” He smiled, kissing me lightly.

“Better than graduation?” I challenged.

He thought. “Good point. I don’t know, I mean, if it hadn’t been for graduation-,” but he was cut off.

“Daddy! Stop hugging mommy! Let’s go! I wanna see Granddad Alan and Nanny Jen!” My five year old daughter, Cammei, said, running into the room.

I smiled down at her, getting onto my knees so I was eye level with her. She had inherited gorgeous grey eyes that apparently came from Cam’s side of the family, but had hair that seemed to be exactly like mine. She was going to be a little heartbreaker like me in ten years.

This girl, my whole world, was the reason it had taken me and Cam five years to get married. I’d gotten pregnant with her graduation night, according to the math of the doctor, and I’d decided it would be a good idea to wait until she was old enough to be a flower girl all on her own.

“Have you got everything?” I asked her. She was spending the night at my dad and Jennifer’s place. They’d gotten married a couple of years ago, and I couldn’t be happier for them.

“Yep!” She held up her little pink bag.

“I’ll be right there, then. Want to get your shoes on?”

She nodded, running off again to find her shoes. That girl was going to be amazing at track. Hell, she’d probably be amazing at any sport.

“So,” I began getting back to Cam.

He didn’t say anything, instead pulling me into a breathtaking kiss that seemed to swallow every sane thought in my head.

I moaned as he worked my lower back, and almost decided to screw the bachelorette party so I could stay here.

But I knew I couldn’t.

“Babe, I have to go.” I laughed.

“Fine. See you tomorrow?” He made it a question.

“I’ll be wearing white.” I smiled, gave him a quick kiss, and left the room with my bag.

“Cammei, honey, are you ready?” I asked.

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