Chapter 18: Where's Clare?

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A few hours passed as the fake couple finished another movie, while Clare looked around with an expression of concern. It was hard to miss as James looked at her and noticed this before trying to figure out what she was searching for.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit."

"Clare, what's wrong?"

"We forgot our carry-ons downstairs, and I don't really want to deal with the dysfunctional duo."

"Do you want me to go?"

"Are you sure? You shouldn't have to put up with Hannah."

"It's fine, I'll be right back."

"Alright, thank you."

Getting up from the leather paradise, James walked over to the door of the suite and slid the one side open and was just about to close it when he heard a hushed whisper come from the room. He turned around only to see Clare pointing down at her finger as if signaling him to remove the ring.

He gave her a nod and slid the ring off his finger and placed it into his pocket before she gave him one last smile and he closed the door behind him. Heading back to the lounge area, he was just trying to pass through, but his escape wouldn't be so easy as Chris stopped him on the way to the stairs. The lounge was now filled with people, but he still had some free time, and he had a cocked eyebrow with a sly grin.

"James, my man."

Catching him off guard, James' body convulsed as he heard his name and he urgently turned around to face Chris. Taking a deep breath, he walked over to the counter where Chris awaited him, wondering what exactly he was going to say.


"So what?"

"Oh c'mon, did you guys like do it yet? Surely you must have."

Chris' words cut into James as he remembered what Clare had said, and how it now might have actually held some merit when she stumbled upon the condoms. Thinking quickly, James simply raised his eyebrows.

"I'm the kinda guy that doesn't kiss and tell."

"You sly dog."

James tapped his knuckles on the bar before turning back around and continuing on his journey down the stairs, then right to the first class cabin. James made his way through the much more talkative aisle, and it didn't take long for him to get back to their row of seats, and to his luck, both Nathan and Hannah had slid the midsection divider out to isolate themselves from the rest of the passengers. Doing his best to move quickly yet quietly, James was able to secure his bag with no problems and rushed over to Clare's seat and tried to grab her bag. Unfortunately, one of the straps had gotten caught on the seat and caused him to struggle to get it free.

A minute passed as he finally managed to get the bag unhooked, only to watch it slowly move and hit the centre panel which Hannah likely noticed. Trying to think on his feet he saw some chapstick on the side of Clare's bag, and just as he managed to get his fingers around it, the middle panel started to slide open.

"Clare is that you?" The slider continued to open as James was forced to sit in the seat and lie through his teeth, while his heart started beating faster and faster as Hannah's face appeared from around the moving wall. "James? Where's Clare?"

James focused on his feet, trying his best to avoid looking at Hannah.

"Oh we're upstairs she just wanted me to come and get her chapstick."

"Oh okay."

James figuring that the conversation was over he stood up unaware he was still holding Clare's bag as well as the chapstick. Her hand wrapped around the wrist of his that held the fabric strap, surprising James as he turned to look at Hannah who was now staring at Clare's bag.

"Why are you taking her bag?"

Again at a loss for words he watched as Hannah raised her head to meet his eyes, revealing what the glasses from earlier were truly covering. The skin around her eye socket was discoloured, something had hit her and created a bruise almost like it was a special effect from a movie.

"Hannah are you okay?"

"What do you-"

Her hand reached for her face as she seemed to realize that the glasses were no longer there revealing her secret.

"Oh my god."

Without hesitation or confusion, her hand whipped back and secured the glasses and slid them on her face.

"James, look I know you have questions but not now okay, go give Clare her chapstick and please don't tell her. Please."

"Okay, I won't."

"Thank you."

James went to stand up again, but this time he felt something pulling on Clare's bag. Again Hannah was stopping him from taking the bag, and he placed it back on the chair, then felt someone tap him on the shoulder. To his relief, Kelsey was standing right behind him and had realised something was going on.

"Excuse me sir, but you're drink is ready at the bar."

"Oh...thank you," He replied before looking back at Hannah. "I'll see you later Hannah."

With a wave goodbye, Hannah closed her little pod again while James and Kelsey made their way to the staircase in the back. She pulled him to the side of the corridor and leaned up against a wall.

"So do you want to explain what that was?"

"Yea Clare needed her bag, but her cousin there doesn't know we are upstairs."

"So you're traveling with her cousin?"

"Yea, and her cousin's boyfriend that was the person Chris ran into earlier."

"Y'know what I get it, my mother used to smoke after about six hours. She was a mess so I can see why you guys needed to get away."


"Anyways let me do you another favour go back to Clare, and I'll grab the bag and bring it up to you. Also, the cabin crew is all aware that you guys are up there, so they won't find it suspicious if you need anything."

"Again thank you, Kelsey."

"Don't mention it."

The two parted company as Kelsey went back down the aisle, while James went back up the staircase to the lounge area. 

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