Chapter 24: Hotel

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The man punched a couple words into his machine and then handed them both a couple of forms, while in return Hannah and James gave the man their licenses. Checking them over he typed out a few more things before handing both of the plastic cards back to them.

"Alright, everything checks out. You are good to go."

"Yea obviously."

Plucking the pieces of plastic out of his hand, Hannah put her's back into her pocket and passed James his. With all the registration completed, they all walked away from the booth and huddled around one another as the chain-linked gate slid open and the first car rolled out. The Jaguar was the first of the two vehicles to make an appearance. Coming to a stop, a young man got out and handed the keys to Hannah, then went back to get the second vehicle.

Not wasting any time though, Hannah passed her bag to her whipped boyfriend who took both of their luggage bags to the trunk of the car. Nathan, however, took his time getting around to the back and placed both of them in the trunk, which only agitated Hannah more as he dragged his feet before getting into the passenger seat. Not giving the boy the time of day, she leaned out the window and looked at Clare.

"I'll text you the address of the apartment, see you later."

Before Clare could even speak, Hannah started rolling up the window and brought the engine to life before speeding out of the parking lot leaving James and Clare in the rearview. With them gone now, the man brought out the second car, that sparkled as the light touched it. In a second the familiar sound silenced and the boy stepped out of the car and handed James the keys.

"I see you're friends there already took off."

"Yea, they had places to be."

"Well just between you and me, you're a friend there seemed a little...aggressive."

"You can say it, she was a bitch."

The words didn't hesitate to leave Clare's mouth as she walked around the muscle car and opened the trunk and slid her bag in before walking to the passenger side door. James and the attendee both shared a glance before James patted him on the back and slipped him a few extra dollars as a tip before parting ways. James loaded his bag into the back before closing it all up and joining Clare in the car.

Unlike the Jaguar, there was hardly any tension in the vehicle. Except Clare let out an exasperated sigh, before falling back against the seat, causing James to look over at her as she seemed to be completely wiped out.

"Everything okay?"

"Y'know sometimes I just can't stand her. If it's not her way, then it's wrong."

"Woah. Didn't see that coming."

"Sorry I don't mean to act like her."

"It's fine just put your mind on something else."

"Like what?"

"Like the fact you and I have to share a hotel room."

"At least it's two beds because Nathan booked it for you two."

The thought of having two beds brought me some relief, but at the same time James couldn't help but think about the night in the plane. The car came to life now as James turned the key, while Clare opened her phone and GPS'd the coordinates to the hotel. Taking a minute, they finally pulled out of the terminal and headed to the hotel. 

At least it'll be a nice hotel. James thought to himself as they drove down the unknown Australian streets. The two of them focused on the road not saying much as if the plane ride hadn't happened, what was worse was they had already killed two hours since they got off the plane and going through security and customs. However, when they pulled up to the hotel, they were struck by surprise as they looked upon the tower that Nathan had initially been booked for himself and James.

"Well, this is it."

"Wow, Nathan clearly has expensive taste."

The hotel was a shimmering spectacle of a skyscraper, with gold tinted windows running up the side. Pulling into the circular car park where a Valet met them at the staircase, neither of them really sure what they should do. Clare took the initiative and reached for the door handle, but James stopped her by grabbing her wrist. She turned to face him with a curious look.

"What are you doing?"

"Well we probably should wear the rings."

She looked down at her hand and then down at his.

"Are you sure you still want to be my fake husband?"

"Yea, of course, I do."


She smiled and reached into her pocket, to pull out the rings before sliding one on her finger and then took the other and placed it in James' hand. He slipped it on following her lead, just as Clare went to get the door of the car. Only she felt a tug from James on her arm again.


Stopping her in her tracks, James let go of her arm and opened the door quickly and walked to the other side to assist Clare. Looking through the window, he could see his best friend giving him a flirty smirk clearly realizing what he was doing as he reached down and opened the door for her. Swinging it open, the smile on Clare's face became visible, and James extended a hand to her before she graciously accepted the gesture.

Pulling her out of the car she wrapped an arm around James as he closed the passenger door behind her. Turning around they were now faced with a staircase to the hotel, Where a man in a maroon vest was already descending down them.

"Hello, sir. Can I help you out this morning?"

"Yes, thank you."

James presented him the key as the valet walked down the rest of the steps and toward the car.

"Oh, sorry sir but I forgot to ask, do you want your bags delivered up to your room?"

"Yes that'd be fine, thank you."

The valet continued to the car and started it up pulling it into a stall on the edge of the asphalt circle. Clare and James on the other hand both went up the stairs and entered the regal style building. The lobby was like that of a castle, art and gold paint covered the walls, and were only some of the things they noticed when they walked into the atrium-like room, leaving them staring in awe at the cathedral-style building.

"Excuse me?"

Clare and James snapped back in attention as a woman behind the ivory counter was standing up and waved them over to the desk.

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