Chapter 11

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The next night he spent contemplating. If he left, he would have a chance at staying alive, possibly even saving a few others along the way. Staying would mean that he, and the others, would almost certainly become Viral. The logical choice was clear.

The four were huddled together, sleeping in a pile. He watched, almost jealously, at the trust they all had in each other. Even that shy Triceratops Midnight was curled up close to Sharp Claw, without any fear. He had no idea how on Earth they were all able to sleep during such times.

He heard a terrified screech from outside, rising above ravenous snarls. Sharp Claw and Midnight jolted awake, wide eyed, and looked outside fearfully. The other two stirred, but did not wake up.

'They aren't close enough to find us,' Black Talon mumbled to the nervous youngsters.

'Those Viral snarls were Acheroraptors,' Sharp Claw stated. Black Talon raised a brow, annoyed that he was pointing out the obvious.

'That's correct. In fact, I recognise some of them,' Black Talon sighed.

'Were they the ones from your pack?'

Sadly, he nodded. At first, their calls and snarls scared him quite a bit. But, after a while, he had almost gotten used to them. Almost.

Sharp Claw shuddered. 'They're attacking someone, right?'

'You mean something, since that's not another Acheroraptor they're attacking.'

'No, I mean someone. We're all individuals!' Sharp Claw ruffled his feathers, irritated.

Black Talon snorted, and ruffled his own feathers too. 'Get some sleep.'


'Because we're leaving tomorrow. We're going to go to the safe place. It's this canyon up north, the only easy way into the place it surrounds. If we block off the entrance we might stand a chance, since entering would be made even harder than it already is.'

Sharp Claw's face lit up, while Midnight, not understanding the raptor's way of communication, dug her small head into Sharp Claw's side and shut her eyes.

'Just know that I am not doing this for you. I'm only doing this for myself. No other reason.'

Sharp Claw's facial expression did not change. With bright eyes and a grateful smile, he chirped a 'Thank you,' and slowly turned away.

Black Talon had not really expected such a reaction, especially since he told the juvenile that he was not doing this to be 'kind' or 'thoughtful'. But, he did not let the prospect bother him. He looked vigilantly out of the cave, anticipating the different kinds of upcoming cruelties that Life was bound to throw at him on his new journey. 

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