Chapter 19

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The sun was setting in the west, crawling behind the rocks as if it was trying to escape the cruel world. Black Talon, Sharp Claw, Fuzzy and Leafie were only two hundred meters away from the canyon. Large stones and boulders were scattered around the place.

'You see those rocks up there?' Black Talon pointed up to the top of the canyon. Sharp Claw nodded. There were a few of them, not too many.

'They build up from there, so the end of the canyon is really unstable from all the weight. We can easily bring them down, and cause a blockage.

Around the canyon were steep, enormous cliffs of rocks, surrounding the area like a natural defence.

'I doubt any virals have come through here. If we manage to do this, this place will be safe for everyone.'

Marching onwards, Black Talon felt a sliver of hope form inside him. Maybe they did have a chance? Maybe the world wasn't so cruel after all- they had come this far, hadn't they?

Suddenly, Black Talon froze when a smell wafted into his nostrils.

'They're here... they're hiding...' He muttered.

Just when I thought everything would be okay.

'Sharp Claw!' He hissed. The youngster stopped, and turned around.

'W-what is it?' Sharp Claw stammered nervously.

'You, Fuzzy and Leafie need to get out of here. My old pack- they're hiding behind the rocks.'

Sharp Claw shuddered as his stomach churned when he heard those words.

'I'll hold them off. You need to go. Now.'

Sharp Claw sprinted away, with Fuzzy holding his back and Leafie tailing behind him. As they ran past a large rock, a grey coloured viral Acheroraptor pounced out, snarling. Sharp Claw and Leafie yelped, and ran to the side before the viral could get its jaws on them.

'Here!' Black Talon called to it, and the viral instantly turned to face him. Sharp Claw and the others quickly snuck away.

The viral growled, baring its craggy teeth at him. Its yellow eyes glared furiously, and blood spilled from its many scars.

From the other rocks around Black Talon, the rest of his old pack crept out, all of them snarling.

How am I going to fight them off!? He thought. I'm going to die here, aren't I? No way to escape death's claws now... But I will fight to the bitter end. Sharp Claw better block off the canyon, or else this place is doomed.

Thorn Tooth ran to him from behind, jaws wide open. Instantly, Black Talon turned around, and smashed his old friends face with a hefty kick, slashing a wound into his lower jaw with his sickle claw in the process.

Thorn Tooth hit the ground, spasming angrily.

The angry growls of his pack filled his ears, and clutched his heart.

'Come on!' He snarled at them. 'Another one! I'll kill all of you bastards!'

Suddenly, he felt something smash against his face. He felt bloodied ivory teeth sink into his visage, impaling his eye- the very one his parents had almost taken out. The entire left side of his vision disappeared in a single moment.

He felt something heavy and powerful send him off his feet, and for a second, it was as if he was flying, being guided by a monster of pain.

He felt the monster slam his skull against one of the rocks, and a thunderstorm of fire exploded in his head. Tears formed in his remaining eye, and he felt warm blood trickle down his face.

I... I've been bitten...

Whoever had attacked him let go. As he fell, he caught a glimpse of familiar brown feathers with the one good eye he had left.

I failed them...

He hit the ground. Weakly, he looked up to see Fleet Claw looming above him, her jaws splattered with his blood.

The world began to fade away.

And then, everything went black. 

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