Chapter 18

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They managed to leave the forest. All that was left was a barren, rocky landscape to cross before they reached the huge canyon waiting for their arrival. Resting in a cave, the sun was setting, and the air was damp and cool. The cave was not very big or stable, but it was safer inside it than out where the virals would find them easier.

'I miss him already...' Sharp Claw said, while Fuzzy slept on his back and Midnight nuzzled him sympathetically.

'I do too,' Black Talon said. 'He was nice. That's a very rare thing.'

'I think niceness isn't all that rare,' Sharp Claw replied. 'You must have met some real mean raptors if you find it so hard to trust others.'

'I have. Plenty.'

'Well, maybe you should give trust another chance? It's not bad to get close to others.'

'I already did, with my friends. They're gone now, and it's been putting my heart through some pain. I try not to care, I try my best. But deep down, I do. I miss them, and it makes me hate myself even more for it.'

'You hate yourself?'

'Of course. Back before all of this, I didn't really. My friends, they made me happy. Whenever I was down, they always managed to bring me back up, always. But then, Life decided to be cruel. Life decided to take them from me. And I just spiralled into this black hole, this black hole that I can't escape. I just... I just feel so lonely sometimes...'

'But you have us, don't you?'

'... You're nice, and I admit, I think I like you. But it's not that simple. I allowed myself to get close to them. I allowed them into my heart. I made myself vulnerable around them. Before, things were real difficult, but they somehow managed to make me so much happier. That's why it's so hard.'

'I don't really understand...'

'And I don't blame you for it, kiddo. Not many can understand. Most will just criticise me, tell me to let go. But they don't know what it's like...'

Black Talon shut his eyes, sighing.

'Do you think we'll be able to do it? Blocking off the canyon?' Sharp Claw asked.

'It's possible. Now that I saw it again, even from afar, it looks unstable. We might just be able to succeed.'

Leafie suddenly got up, marched over to Black Talon, and lay down next to him, pressing against his feathered pelt.

'What is he doing?' Black Talon asked, ruffling his feathers uncomfortably.

'Well, I guess he wants to be near you,' Sharp Claw replied with a smile.

Black Talon stared, somewhat puzzled. The Pachycephalosaurus merely cooed in response.

He used his foot to slide Leafie away from him.

'That's better,' He said, looking content with the space he had while the Pachycephalosaurus looked somewhat annoyed, but did not do anything about it.

'Now, I'm off to sleep...'


He was in the void again. It was black, whirring silently.

Your friends care nothing for you, It said to him. They became virals willingly. They would rather become that than be anywhere near you.

'I trust them,' Black Talon admitted. 'What you're saying is absurd. Just watch.'

His three friends stood in front of him, spaced five meters apart from each other.

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