Chapter 25: He is coming for you

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Wednesday 18th September, 1560

Sunningwell, Berkshire

Katherine and Mary sat under the shade of an old apple tree, looking out onto the garden.  It had rained that morning and the rich, earthy smell the water had uncovered soothed the troubled young girl. Mary had, as usual ,attended to Katherine's every comfort, so they were sat on wool blankets, with an extra one wrapped around their shoulders.  The sporadic cry of a sparrowhawk occasionally broke the stillness.  Katherine could feel the strength flood back into her. Sunningwell was again working its charm. She knew she would soon leave but Amy's funeral meant she could delay her departure for a few more days. It occurred to her that she had been in a similar state at eight years old, when her dear Amy had found her. She now owed Mary the same debt of kindness and life. For now though, she needed to know about Sunday.

"How did you find out about her funeral?"

Mary shuffled and batted away a persistent wasp. "It is all over Abingdon as preparations are underway in Oxford. It will apparently be very lavish. Some cloth has already been sent from London on Lord Dudley's order. There will be yards of black to cover the church."

"Oxford? It will be at Oxford?"

"Yes, she will be buried at St Mary's church. I have to tell you, I will be going. Many of her neighbours are attending and I feel it is right as I got to know her in her last, difficult months."

"Of course." Katherine did not move as she digested this. Oxford?  Amy will lie at Oxford? "It is not what she would have wanted. She told me enough times, 'When I depart this Earth I wish to go back to Stanfield. It is where my heart has always been, no matter where I have travelled.'"

Mary rubbed her forehead. "Yes, I can see why she would have wanted that. She spoke so often of Norfolk to me. I suppose Robert Dudley does not wish for the inconvenience of the long journey.  It would delay matters. I do not know--"

"Mary, he disrespects her again, even in death. The sooner she is buried the better for him so he can play the merry widower. Anyway, I must go to it."

"Yes, I knew you would feel this way, but you will have to stand along with the others in the crowd." Mary sighed.

The young girl's voice rose. "No, I must attend; I must see her committed to God."

"You cannot. I know this will be hard for you to bear but you are in danger. Blount has found out about your 'slander' as he calls it against Master Dudley, and apparently Dudley knows of it too. You have hardly been careful. There are men asking of your whereabouts in Abingdon. They were at Sunningwell when you went to Throcking. I'm sorry, Katherine."

Katherine's mouth ran dry. She knew what Dudley was capable of and she knew of the rack that lay in places like the Tower of London. But he could give her no more earthly pain. "I do not care, Mary. I will see her buried if it costs me my life." The young girl folded her arms.

"That will do no good, my dear. Don't you see? How can you ever get justice for Amy if you are imprisoned or...worse? You said you owed your life to her. Well, you have a debt to pay and running foolishly into trouble is not the way to do that."

"But to stand with people who are just there to gape; when I knew her and loved her..." Katherine's eyes filled again.

"I know, but there is nothing for it. You will go with Tom. He will protect you, but we will have to disguise you in some way. I have no doubt that Dudley's henchmen will know you will be there and will think it an opportunity."

Katherine clenched her fists. "She will be laid out; I cannot go and look upon her face one last time?"

"No, there are rumours she will be in state somewhere in Oxford. I will go. I promise you it makes no difference to Amy if you are there or not. You must stay safe."

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