Chapter Eleven: Alec's P.O.V

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I woke up in the middle of the night, tangled in Magnus’s arms, I quietly untangled myself and went to go use the bathroom, after I was done I wasn’t sleepy so I went to go make some of Magnus’s special sleeping tea. It really worked and I kind of liked the taste of it. 

I finished my tea and as I was drinking it I walked around the house, just out of pure boredom, I went through the living room and kitchen and into our bedroom where I watched Magnus, the moonlight coming in from the window amplifying his tan body and making it shine, his gorgeously toned chest and his beautiful face, so relaxed and peaceful unlike when he’s awake and working.

My last stop was his office. I went and sat down at his desk, flipping through random papers while drinking my tea. He didn’t mind anymore, he knew I couldn’t cause any harm, for Angel’s sake. I’m a shadowhunter, I don’t do magic anyway.

I looked over the papers and my eyes flickering over things and one word caught my eye: Immortality. It’s probably some hollow information for a client I reassured myself. I was about to put everything back and get out of there as fast as I could when someone cleared their throat. I looked up to see a grumpy looking Magnus in the doorway.

“Did I wake you?” I asked him.

“No, well, the lack of you woke me.” He smirked and walked over to me. He motioned for me to get up and I did. He sat down in his chair and pulled me into his lap.

“Oh, I’m sorry” I leaned back into him and finished my tea.

“Don’t worry about it. What where you doing up anyway?”

“Couldn’t sleep I guess.” I shrugged and turned so I was comfortable. “What have you been working on here lately?” I asked nonchalantly.

“Oh, this werewolf was wondering about some new moon stuff and I was also looking into some of the new demon activity. Did you know that a lot of demons have new weapons up their sleeves?”

I nodded my head and chuckled, that’s probably what the word was about. A new weapon they have up their sleeves is all. “Can we go back to bed? My tea is finally setting in.” I asked him, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

“Sure, I’m still pretty sleepy myself.” Magnus said as he stood up, grabbing me bridal style and carrying me out of the room, leaving my tea mug behind.

We got to the room and lay down in our regular positions and before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep again. Damn. That tea really does work.

The next time I woke up it was to a soft calling of my name from none other than Magnus “Alec, darling.” He nibbled my ear and I buried my face deeper into him, trying to ignore him and go back to sleep. “Alexander, I know you’re awake” a lick to my cheek followed this. I groaned.

“I’m awake. I’m awake” I said while sitting up. “And now I’m kissing you.” I leaned down again- because Magnus was still lying on his back and placed a small kiss on his soft lips. “So why do you feel the need to wake me?” I looked at the clock “two hours before I have to get up to go train.” I rolled my eyes and laid back down beside him, waiting for my answer.

“Because, I wanted you up, we have things to do today.” He told me smugly. I raised an eyebrow at him in questioning and he answered me, with a rolling of his eyes to mimic mine from earlier.

I was interested now “what kind of stuff do we have to do at four in the morning?”

“I have to go into the bad part of Brooklyn and I need my shadowhunter there to protect me while I buy some things” he stuck out his bottom lip and gave me a set of puppy dog eyes. “Please?” he begged.

He was too adorable when he did this. “Fine, let me get dressed.”

We both got up and Magnus went straight into the bathroom to start his hair which usually took an hour. I grabbed a pair of black jeans and a grey sweater which didn’t have any holes in it yet. It was new so that was why. I put on some black socks that I never match up because all my socks are well, black. Next was my shoes, black boots leather boots pounded thin enough for protection and flexibility. I ran a brush through my hair even though it wasn’t really going to help. Grabbing my jacket I made sure I had some weapons hidden in the pockets. I shrugged it on and something fell out of the pocket. I bent down to pick it up and saw it was the picture of Magnus kissing my cheek and me looking wide-eyed and blushing. It was the first picture we had ever taken together and I had kept it with me ever since.

“You ready to go?” I heard Magnus call from behind me. His hair wasn’t in a sparkly up-do but it was lightly gelled and spiked up a little bit, not a lot. He was wearing a white tank top with a dark purple vest over it, the vest left open, and he had on black skinny jeans with a decent amount of rhinestones with some black combat boots that looked like they would be mine except for the fact of a giant ‘M’ on the back of each of them.

I took his hand “yeah, and by the angel do you look gorgeous” I said, placing a kiss on his cheek. He began to blush and caught my lips, giving me a quick kiss.

“As do you my darling. Now off we go, things to do, a bed to get back to” he said as he dragged me out of the apartment by my hand.

We were halfway down the street when I decided to ask him “where are we going?”

“Oh, just to a store” he replied, not really giving me an answer.

“You usually don’t take me to the store with you so why are you now? And why go to the dangerous part of town?” I pressed. I was a nosey person, what could I say?

“Alexander” Magnus said, stopping and giving me an exaggerated sigh. We are going to the more dangerous part of town because the store there has what I need, the one I usually go to doesn’t and I am taking you because it is dangerous and having you here makes me feel safer” he placed a kiss on my lips and I kissed him back. Damn, this boy was good.

“Ugh, fine.” I kissed him again for a measure, or because I liked kissing him, either way. We continued to walk until we ended up in the shady side of Brooklyn. Walking down an alley I didn’t know where, we saw a small store at the end. Who randomly puts a store here? I mean come on people, seriously.

“Right over there, come on love” Magnus said, dragging me along with him into the store.

Inside there was a short man behind the counter, he had cat ears and tail, which instantly made me think he was a warlock. Magnus went off to go get the things he needed all while the short man eyed me. Another man appeared as Magnus ran off to the other side of the store, apparently realizing where what he was searching for was stored there. The new man was tall, still not as tall as me, but he was tall. He had green hair with purple eyes; he was lanky and reminded me of Simon when we first met him- mostly because of his body structure and the way he held himself. Not to mention the black rimmed glasses. I knew he was a warlock because I looked down and instead of two arms he had four and the second set of arms was changing colors, although he did have some good glamour on them.

My eyes met the eyes of the man as he said two words to me before disappearing back into the back of the store, and those two simple words sent shivers running up my spine.

“Follow me.”

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