Chapter Fifteen: Alec's P.O.V

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I sat in the library with Magnus sitting on my lap, curled up and his head on my shoulder, my arms wrapped around him. 

“Wait, let me just go through this again” Izzy said, shaking her head in frustration as she repeated in summary what me and Magnus were going to do “so Magnus is going to make you immortal and there’s like. No side effects except for a small rune. Then you’re never going to grow old but you can’t do it to just anyone because of the process, right?”

“Right” I told her, nodding.

“Well, what’s the thing in the process that holds back from making just anyone immortal?” Jace asked with a smirk.

Magnus gave a huge grin before answering “because goldilocks. It is basically for soul mates only.” He stuck his nose in the air and pretended to be snooty for about five seconds before giving the real reason. “I’m just joking. The reason is because it has to be a strong warlock and then the fact of to complete it we engage in sexual intercourse” he said, trying to act all official and smart with his words.

Simon, who had been quiet so far, finally spoke up. “So in order for Alec to become immortal, you guys get your freak on?” I blushed and Magnus nodded. Next to speak was Jace again.

“Hey Alec, I wonder how good a warlock is in bed, he can definitely add that extra” I pretended to go deep in thought “spark, if ya know what I mean” he finished with a wink, earning his arm a loud and painful slap from Clary.

“I think it is super sweet Magnus went through the trouble to find a spell that may have not even existed just because there was a one-out-of-a-million chance he could turn Alec immortal.” Clary said looking me in the eyes and giving me a smile.

“Well” Magnus said, with a very hyper and cheery voice “I hate to tell you but we have to get home and start on the spell. Big night ahead of us, huh Alexander?” he said, getting up leaving a kiss on my jawline. I slowly got up and laced my arm protectively around his waist and he came closer. He was only an inch or two taller but I was the more masculine one, even though I was the little spoon- every night. But I liked being cuddled up to someone. It just gave me a small bit of coziness I didn’t usually feel, being a shadowhunter and all, and still striving to be the best yet even though Magnus himself told me that to him- I’m already the best.

“Bye guys!” I said, waving to everyone in the room. They all waved back with a chorus of good luck and Izzy behind it, stating that I better make every generation of Lightwoods know her and her amazing style.

We were halfway down the street when I stopped, holding Magnus back with me. Quickly I grabbed under his legs, knocking him off his feet and into my arms as I carried him bridal style the rest of the way home. I was only the girl of the relationship when it came to being alone in the bedroom.

Walking into the door we went straight to the now weirdly set up guest bedroom. Inside we had on one half, the giant pot with all the needed herbs and books. On the other half we had a bed for, well, later use.

I set Magnus down and he went over to light a fire. “Okay, are we ready?” Magnus asked me. I simply nodded my head as I took a seat in the beanbag chair I threw in here at last minute. Mostly because Magnus was doing most of the work and well, I don’t like standing around but I’m fine with sitting around.

Magnus started to cut and boil herbs together, adding a little bit of powder or a bone here and there. I had to admit, he looked very cute when we was concentrated. He muttered a few chants and added some more things before he called me over. I got up and walked over. Magnus took a thing and sharp knife, dragging it against both mine and his arms. We interlocked arms like you would when you walk away from getting married. At least that’s what if felt like to me. Magnus moved our arms together and muttered something I couldn’t hear before I felt a tingling sensation through my body. I knew this was Magnus making our blood mix and flow in our veins. Magnus said one last chant, loud enough for me to hear all the way to the door.

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