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Tony and his group ran towards us after we started to them.

I didn't want to fight them, so I lingered around the outskirts of the battle.

Pietro made sure no one got near Wanda, she did the same for him.

Steve was fighting Tony while catguy had some serious issues with Bucky.

I could hear Clint and Natasha 'fighting', "We're still friends right?" Natasha asked Clint as she threw a punch.

Clint deflected it before pinning her, "Depends on how hard you hit me," he told her with a grin.

That was just before Wanda took Natasha with her magic and threw her against a storage crate. "You're pulling your punches," Wanda called to him before walking off. Pietro followed after her. I noticed that he lingered behind her. It didn't matter where she was off to.

I turned to Bucky, who was tustling with the catguy, he looked like he was struggling; so I ran over to help him.

"Then why did you run?" was all I heard before I ran into him, knocking him onto his back as I roared at him.

I heard Bucky run off, probably to help Steve with the red annoyance in the sky.

Catguy stood up, looking at me. Claws extended from his gloves.

I growled loudly and bare my teeth with a snarl.

"You overgrown lizard," I heard him mutter as he stalked over to me.

He didn't get far, I ran at him and extended my shield before batting him away like a ball.

I would have continued the fight, but the red and blue child shot a web on my foot.

I stared down at my foot with a confused chatter, it felt weird and I didn't like it. I pried my foot off of the ground and tried to shake it off.

Pietro appeared and shook his head for a moment before helping me peel it off.

"I do not like the spider boy, he is annoying yes?" Pietro questioned as he tried to shake the webbing off his hand before sighing and using a knife he had in his pocket.

I chittered before picking him up and running over to Wanda, who was battling it out with Vision.

I plopped Pietro behind her before continuing on, the 'spider boy' as Pietro had called him was perched on top of some metal box, looking over the scene.

I trotted around the back end and jumped, landing on top of the box.

That seemed to startle the spider. "Oh shit, please don't eat me, not like this Muldoon," he pleaded, scrambling backwards.

I tilted my head and plucked the spider off the ground by his scruff. He didn't have much of one, that was fine. He just needed to eat more.

"Mister Stark!" The spider yelled, thrashing in my grip as I hopped off the box and started heading to Clint.

He and Natasha stopped fighting for a moment to sigh and simultaneously facepalm.

Fighting Raptor (Avengers Fanfiction) (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now