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update número dos in honor of 2m

thank you so much by the way oh my bieber I really can't believe this got as far as it has and I'm tearing up I can't omg like how tf did this stupid ass story get so popular I reread the first chapters and realized it's really fuckin stupid

rt if u want to kill luke

this chapter is really gross and messy and I don't like it but that's what u get when you tell a willow to write when she feels ick oh wait that's always

and if you see my reference in here we're married okay


Comfort food.

It lends a better hand than your bestest of friends in your time of need and you can eat it. While most people turn to ice cream, or chocolate, or even cereal, Emma turned to pizza rolls by the dozen. Handfuls of damned little pizza rolls later, she wouldn't move from her bed.

Nicole explained to their mum what had happened, and Robin was very supportive in the nonstop pizza roll train. "But, Mum," Nicole had said, "she cussed me out last night."

"I can't blame her," Ms. King replied. And that conversation was over.

And basically her mother's been babying her because it was her first real break up and it was just super emotional for both of them. It was to the point where Robin was possibly more sad than Em. She invited Sara and Marie over for her, and she was trying to make tons of pizza rolls for the girls. Basically the best mum of the year goes to Robin.

Once Sara showed up (Marie couldn't because she had class, and that made Em cry again because she was actually on her period and very sad about Luke so not having her cuddle buddy there was very depressing) she allowed Em to take her time with the story telling. She also let her cry into her sweatshirt and gave her the rest of her pizza rolls.

Sara tried to cuddle as well as Marie as they watched tons of sad movies on Netflix so Em could feel better about herself.


Luke hated himself. He absolutely, with every fiber in his body, hated himself with a burning, flaming passion.

He hated himself because he made Em cry over him, and because he broke her heart, and because now their relationship was over, all because he wigged the fuck out. And it wasn't even for a good reason, either. It was because he wasn't getting any. What a dumbass.

"Lukey," Calum mumbled. The boys had so desperately tried to get their friend out of bed by doing everything (including jumping on him, pouring various liquids on him, being nice, being mean, and being downright stupid) they could. Currently Calum was literally laying on top of the sad boy, speaking lowly into his ear. "Call her."

Luke groaned. "No, she hates me."

"IT LIVES," Michael cried, sincerely because that was the first thing they heard him say for at least twelve hours. "What do you need, boy? Drugs, alcohol, drugs . . ." Calum scowled, unapproving of their drug habits. He was a square anyways.

As the blonde rolled over onto his back, kicking Calum off in the process, he looked at Michael needingly. "I want drugs," Luke muttered before rolling back over into his little blanket cocoon, and Michael said he'd be right back. And he did. And they got really high.

Luke still hated himself.


Watching sad movies didn't really help after all, because she somehow related their problems to her problems and Emma couldn't stop crying.

"Em," Sara said cheerfully, "let's go shopping. Think of it as an early birthday gift since your big day is in a week! You're gonna' be eighteen!" The brunette shook her head. "Come on, I'll buy you anything five things you want from Topshop because I'm poor, okay?"

Emma groaned, shaking her head and shrugging further into her hoodie. Tissues scattered all over the floor and all that could be heard were her quiet sniffles. There wasn't anything Sara could do. She'd hugged and comforted the shit out of her, and all she could do was leave her alone.

Tucking her blonde hair behind her ear, she patted Em's thigh and stood up, grabbing her jacket. "I'm just gonna' leave you alone," Sara said. Emma nodded, holding her Bieber pillow to her body tightly.

The last time she'd felt this broken was when her father and Eric passed away in the span of four months. Her brother died from a fatal head injury to his head from a car crash (yes, he was drunk) and Mr. King passed away from long-time lung cancer, caused by smoking cigarettes since the age of fourteen when it was cool. It wasn't cool. But having two of the most important people in your life just . . . die, that was hard.

This was different. Losing family was like losing a body part, you'd always have them and you kind of have to. If you lose your father or brother, you couldn't just get a new one, like a limb. But losing (not even losing, it was more like he' ripped her heart out and crushed it beneath his sneaker before running away) a boyfriend like Luke . . . it was replaceable, but not like him. She'd never find someone so perfect for her as he was.

Em huffed and closed her eyes. She couldn't find another Luke in a million years, and maybe it was her crazy hormonal teenage subconscious talking, but she didn't want to find another one.

Where on Earth would you find someone with the laugh like his that'd vibrate the entire couch? She'd never be able to find someone who had to count to three before getting out of bed because he needed to find the effort to move. She wouldn't be able to find someone to run his hands through her hair without realizing it, or someone to fling her onto her back so he could tickle her insanely. There was no one who had the patience like he did when it came to her sexual inexperience, or who would put up with her super lame jokes. Let's face it, there just was no one like Luke.

And she was completely irrevocably in love with him. That was thick, too, considering they met probably two, maybe three months ago.

It might not seem possible to fall in love in the matter of a short period of time, but it so was. Time didn't matter, nor did age, or race, or gender, because if you love someone, you just did. And the feeling was indescribable!

Her eyes opened when there was a soft knock on her door. "Come in," she croaked, her voice gross with tears and exhaustion. She expected her mum or Nicole, or maybe Sara coming back because she forgot something, but she wasn't expecting a girl.

She was pretty, with caramel colored hair and soft brown eyes, and a sweet smile. Her outfit was nice, too. A floral shirt with shorts and sandals, and she seemed so sweet and cute and just like a bundle of sunshine, and Emma had no idea what the fuck she was doing in her bedroom.

"Hi, I'm Avery."

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