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The night slowly passed by as the members slept. All except one, Hoseok.

He had had a nightmare in the middle of his sleep and dramatically got awoken from his sleep and curled under his blankets; trying to perceive as much sleep as he could possibly could get.

He stayed up to read fanfiction, but he still wasn't satisfied. It made him even more restless and that wasn't his premeditation. Food was calling his name and he couldn't ignore it. He wandering into the refrigerator, hoping not to get noticed by the lighting inside the fridge.

He found an unopened box of chocolate chip cookies and snatched it from the rack. They were cold and Hoseok hated cold cookies, but he wasn't complaining. As long as it was edible.

He smacked on cookie after cookie minimizing each crunch trying not to wake the others.

"What the hell are you eating you rat?" Namjoon groaned as he slowly opened his eyes to Hoseok eating his boxed cookies. "Are those my Chips Ahoy?"


It was morning and everyone had finally gotten out of bed. Jin had ordered room service for everyone to enjoy while Jungkook searched for a movie to watch.

"Everyone sit down unless you want to starve." Jin shouted as he handed all of the members a pair of chopsticks from the food cart. It was just as they expected it. Namjoon tipped the room service attendant and he proudly left with a smile.

As soon as Taehyung grabbed a bagel, Jungkook quickly sneaked a waffle from his plate without the other noticing.

Everyone ate as Namjoon gave Hoseok a ferocious glare from across the dining table. He was still pretty upset at him for stealing and eating his chocolate chip cookies last night and he was not forgiving him anytime soon.

"Yoongi, where did you go yesterday? You left your phone in our room and you never came back for it. Are you okay?" Jin asked as he took a bite out of his omelet. He didn't want to address the fact that he stormed out of their room without an explanation.

The younger looked up and met eyes with Jimin. "I fell asleep. I was really tired."

Jin nodded, but Namjoon thought otherwise. "You could've taken your phone with you then, or at least say goodbye. Are you sure that was what's wrong? Nicole called you 17 times last night."

Hoseok frowned at the thought of Yoongi's girlfriend. He hated her just as much as the rest. She would make fun of him for the way he looked which made Hoseok feel insecure about himself. The other members, excluding Yoongi, told him that he was perfect and not to worry about her. 

She had every negative thing to say about him which kept the hate brewing, but he couldn't hate Yoongi for his cold-hearted girlfriend.

"It probably wasn't anything important." Yoongi proclaimed as he felt a lump form in his throat. One of his biggest fears was his girlfriend. Another fear was the thought of her breaking up with him.

"Talk to her!" Jin commanded as he tossed Yoongi his cellphone.

Yoongi flinched as the phone fell into his hands. He quickly unlocked his phone to see the blaring notification of 17 missed calls. What could she had possibly want to talk about at that time of night.

No text messages, just missed calls...from the same person. He started to feel as if his girlfriend had rigged his phone to just accept calls and messages from only her. She was possessive enough to do so.

"I'll be right back." Yoongi told as he disappeared out the door.

Hoseok held his head down. He actually started to feel sorry for Yoongi. He shouldn't have to deal with this everyday, or any day at that matter. It was like he was in prison for loving her.

And that was it.

Yoongi was a prisoner for love.

He was the only person who couldn't see the invisible chains on him; certainly he could feel it. He could feel his freedom slowly slip away. Sooner or later he wouldn't be able to breathe anymore. She wouldn't taken that freedom too.


Later on that day, Namjoon decided to take everyone to explore. They had one week to travel and enjoy the city before they could finally perform. Yoongi was now in a better mood than usual.

It made the entire day better. Especially for Yoongi.

"You should buy these. They'll look good on you." Taehyung suggested as he pointed to the item.

"Tae...those are short shorts." Jimin snickered as he stared at his dongsaeng. "And they're way too small for me."

"Hey, maybe Yoongi could get these for his g-" Taehyung clamped his hands over his mouth before he could continue speaking. Luckily Yoongi was on the other side of the store.

Jungkook bit his lip as he immediately changed the subject. "Well since we're here we might as well buy some new shoes." He said and Jimin and Taehyung both agreed.

As Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin all walked into the shoe store, Hoseok couldn't help but notice Yoongi typing away in his phone.

"If you're not texting god then put your phone away. This is a free day. Free as in, not texting." The younger grinned as he snatched Yoongi's phone from his cupped hands.

"I wish I were texting. Maybe he could bring me a new girlfriend." The older said jokingly.

"Why do you need a new girlfriend? Why don't you just break up with Nicole and stay single like the rest of us?" Hoseok suggested as he  frisked through the branded t-shirts on the racks.

Yoongi needed time to think. He really didn't know why he was still with Nicole after everything that'd happen.

"Because I'm happy this way."

A/N: I know I've been on a brief hiatus for a few days. I wanted to apologize for that. I'm Working on redoing my account. My books will still be here of course (including this one). I hope you understand. I love you all💜

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