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"You look like a roach when you wake up." Yoongi snorted as Jimin's self-confidence dropped by at least 12 percent. Half of him thought it was true, but the other half thought he was being plain rude.

But Yoongi was just being Yoongi.

Jimin heard the other members burst into laughter which made Jimin nervous. He knew he needed to laugh and make a way better comeback than Yoongi, but the situation got a lot more awkward for him.

"Ha, good one Yoongi hyung. You look like a cute koala." Jimin laughed at himself as he thought his comeback was the best one ever.

"Was that supposed to offend me, or make me laugh? You look like Christmas present that no one wants to open." Yoongi fired back which only sent more laughter throughout the room.

"Well you look like a burnt down Christmas tree." Jimin personally didn't like making fun of people, especially to people he loved. Neither did he like people making fun of him, especially the people he loved.

Well the person he loved was Yoongi.

"You look like a burnt burrito." Yoongi laughed which made Jimin even angrier. Could he not had kept this going.

"At least I d-don't cry in the fucking bathroom as a safe place." Jimin raged as he stood up and bolted out of the room. No one said a word.

Seconds later, Yoongi did the same.

"Yoongi..." Hoseok trailed off, but it was already too late. Yoongi had already gone.


"Jimin!" Yoongi yelled as he walked fiercefully downstairs, following Jimin from behind. "Park Jimin answer me!"

The younger kept ignoring him as he approached the refrigerator in the kitchen for a bottle of water. Yoongi was standing at least 10 feet aways from him with anger in his eyes.

"Why the hell would you bring that up? I was only playing with you, you idiot!" Yoongi scolded as  his eyes stayed locked into Jimin's watery ones.

"How was that a fucking joke hyung? You hurt my feelings. Why would you say I look like a rodent?" Jimin questioned as he watched Yoongi approached him further. The younger immediately backed away as his back hit the counter.

"How the fuck did you know about that? Were you eavesdropping when I went to the bathroom, huh?" Yoongi yelled which made the younger flinch in horror. "That's too fucking personal!"

Yoongi had never been yelled at Jimin angrily. Tears formed in Jimin's eyes as he held his head down. His tears fell onto his bare feet as he tried his best to wipe them away without Yoongi noticing.

"Jiminie," Yoongi said in a more serious voice. "Jimin look at me right now." He said, but Jimin didn't budge.

Yoongi placed his hands on the younger's cheeks as pushed his head upward. He could see the tears of sadness in his eyes. He never had any intention to make anyone cry, especially someone like Jimin. "Jimin don't do that. You'll make your head hurt. Stop crying." Yoongi's words ran through Jimin's right ear and out the other. He hated when people were mad at him, it felt like he was being menaced my Yoongi.

"Why did you say those cruel things to me? Did I do something wrong?" The younger asked and the elder rapidly shook his head. "You're just being you aren't you? The savage Min Yoongi."

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I just love messing with you. You're my favorite dongsaeng after all." Yoongi grinned softly as he took his hands away from the younger's face.

I'm his favorite dongsaeng.

Jimin was a bit surprised as to why he was actually someone's favorite something. Besides Jungkook's favorite hyung.

"Then that makes you my favorite hyung." Jimin proclaimed, despite their fight earlier. Jimin was always the first to forgive and forget. Their first fight all started when Yoongi was first declared taller than Jimin, by 1 centimeter.

"Do you still love me?"

"Of course I do Yoongi hyung. I can't kill nor can I hate you." Jimin giggled as he threw his bottled water back into the refrigerator.

"If one of them are dead I'm calling Bang Pd." Jin stated as him and the other members scurried downstairs to meet Jimin and Yoongi hugging each other in the kitchen.

"Well it looks like there was no murder here." Namjoon exclaimed as he approached the two. "Are you okay, though? You two seemed very upset the way you stormed out."

"We're fine now Namjoon. It was my fault. I was stupid for teasing Jimin. I know he's my dongsaeng, but he's also like a little brother to me." Yoongi laughed heavily as he wrapped his arms around Jimin's shoulders.

The rest of the members laughed as Namjoon spoke again. "We're all like brothers man. Family over everything."

We are all a family. Brothers. I guess we always have. Jimin forced a wide smile on his face as he stared up at Yoongi. He didn't stare back this time, instead, he moved away and hugged each if the members individually.

"From now on, there will be no more fighting in this house. No stealing, no lying, no teasing each other unless they give you the right." Yoongi stated and all of the members nodded in understanding.

"Since I can't steal anymore food, can someone make me some?" Hoseok's asked as he stared as his two hyungs.

"HA! You just admitted to stealing food. You said anymore, therefore you confessed to stealing my cookies!" Namjoon explained, his face lit up like a lightbulb.

"I thought we dropped this already Namjoon-ah! It was night time and I had the munchies. Is it a crime to eat?" Hoseok's asked jokingly.

"No, but it's a crime to steal something and lie about it. There is no stealing or lying in this household, or anywhere else." Namjoon told as he crossed his arms across his chest. Hoseok's rolled his eyes as he walked upstairs to his room.

"Yeah, we're family alright."

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