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"I know what I want to do, but it's not going to be easy for me." The blue haired heaved a sigh, making his shoulders shift lower. "This is giving me major anxiety."

Jiyong scanned Yoongi as he placed his hands on top of his shoulders. "Stop thinking about the negatives for a second. All you need to think about is the good things that could possibly come out of this."

"I've heard that the truth sets you free," The younger proclaimed and the elder nodded in response. "That's the most bullshit I've ever heard."

"Look if you don't want to tell them then don't. Just suffer for the rest of your life wondering what life would have been like if you did tell them the truth." The elder cracked a smile on his face as he opened his front door to escort Yoongi out. "Here's your way back into reality Yoongi. Don't miss this opportunity."

Yoongi bit his lip for a second before walking out. "Well reality sucks. The more I think about telling Jimin and Hoseok how I really feel about them, the more I don't want to do it."

"Just rip it off like a band-aid." The elder suggested.

"If I rip it off then it'll bleed."


"You want to borrow my car?" Namjoon asked as he stared up at Jimin with a skeptical look in his face. He'd been reading a book when Jimin approached him with a red jacket in his grasp.

"Yes, I'll bring it back just as the way it was, I promise." The younger proclaimed as his grip tightened on the jacket. He was hoping Namjoon would let him use his car for this one time.

Namjoon kept his stare at Jimin before slamming his book closed making Jimin flinch. "Is there a reason you want to use my car so suddenly? You're never the one to drive."

Jimin bit his bottom lip viciously as he glared at the ceiling above the both of them. "Yes, I want to visit my parents. I haven't seen them in months." Namjoon cleared his throat as he stood up in front of the younger.

"Jimin...your parents are on vacation still, don't you remember? They're not going to be back until another two weeks." The elder questioned as he pushed Jimin aside. "You're going to have to come up with better excuse to borrow my car."

"Nevermind. I'll just walk." The younger stated, walking out of his room which captured the elder's attention.

"Jimin, stop!" Namjoon shouted before following behind him. "Where are you even going?"

The younger turned around to face Namjoon's confused expression. He was surprised at how high the elder's volume became. "I thought I made myself clear when I told you I'll just walk. I have somewhere I need to be."

"And where is that? Why don't you like telling me things anymore?" Namjoon inquired which made Jimin sigh heavily.

"Because you're always questioning everything I tell you. I thought asking you for your car would be easier than asking Jin hyung, but I see it was even worse. You're not cool at all." The younger said making the elder frown.

"I'll drive you wherever you need to go to prove to you that I'm the perfect person to come to, and I am cool." Namjoon defended himself.

"Then you wouldn't mind dropping me off at Nicole's." Jimin said which made Namjoon's expression change negativity. He hadn't looked so anger since he caught Hoseok stealing his chocolate chip cookies.

"Wait what? Why the hell would you want to go there?" The elder asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he walked a few steps closer to her.

"Exactly what I thought. You question everything I tell you." Jimin had proven his point. No matter how hard he tried to convince Namjoon to lend over his car to him, Namjoon would always make it harder than it had to be.

"Okay, okay...I'll take you there." Namjoon admitted as he felt two hands on his shoulders. His eyes met Jimin's again and he looked happy.

"Thank you. I'll explain everything on the way there. You know where she lives right?" The younger asked and Namjoon shook his head meaning he didn't know. Jimin ran into him and Jungkook's room for a quick second before coming back out. "I got my phone, so we can leave right now."

Namjoon was still trying to process everything that was going on and got caught completely off guard. He hadn't taken or shower or even brushed his hair and he felt like trash.

"Okay well just let me grab my keys an-"

"I already got them let's go." Jimin told as he swung the keychain around his pointer finger. Namjoon faked a smile as he snatched the keys from the younger.

"Show me the way."


"Your butt is on my chest!" Jungkook coughed, almost choking to death underneath his hyung, Taehyung. "Why does these things happen to me? I'm not a chair. Go sit over there."

"You're the one who kept telling me to move closer. Is this closer enough for you?" Taehyung laughed jokingly as Jungkook crossed his arms and frowned. "Oh c'mon, lighten up. You can't be mad at something as stupid as this. Where did my Jungkook go."

"He's dead. He died the night you -" Jungkook was interrupted as his cellphone chimed. It was his favorite hyung. They communicated oftener over the phone than in person, only because of Taehyung's possessiveness.

Jungkook stretched his arm to reach his phone. He pretended it was nothing and frowned as he placed his phone face down on the arm of the couch.

"What was that face for?" The elder questioned, being his contentious self.

"It was a stupid email. It wasn't important, but back to what I was sayi-" Jungkook was interrupted once again.

"What stupid email?"

Taehyung's eyes widened curiously. He was always this way when he wanted to be nosey. Jungkook was the main person he was so observant with. Maybe because he was his only dongsaeng, but no one really knew the real reason why.

"Why does that matter Taehyung? I just told you that it was stupid. That's all." The younger told which made Taehyung silent for a moment. Taehyung stayed quiet as he let Jungkook sit in silence, the only sound that was made was from the television stereo. "Okay I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound mean or something."

Taehyung let out a snort, "You weren't being mean I know. Don't worry about it Kookie." Believe it or not, but Jungkook's thighs were getting numb from Taehyung's weight, but he didn't say anything because he knew Taehyung loved it for some reason.

"So what were you going to say? Y'know, before your phone rang?"

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