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Jimin and Hoseok stood, staring at each other not saying a word. The elder bit his bottom lip before speaking, "What do you mean by that?" He asked as Jimin snickered and walked toward the elder and stopping.

"For someone who's older than me you sure don't use your brain very much. Sometimes I just want to punch you in the face. While in other times, I feel sorry for you." The younger confessed, taking a another step toward him.

Jimin and Hoseok both made eye contact with Yoongi as he stared in confusion at the two. "Am I interrupting something? Jimin why are you in here?"

Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows at Yoongi before crossing both of his arms. "Actually, yes you were. You were interrupting me throwing Jimin out of our bedroom. Bye bye you toxin." He said as he waves his hands which made Jimin want to break them off.

"I'll leave, but don't forget what I said. Desperateness will never get you anywhere." The younger said with a wink before walking himself out the door. He kept his head up as he walked down the hallway him and Jungkook's bedroom. Jungkook wasn't there as usual.

He then heard a faint knock on his bedroom door. He was tempted to open it and see Hoseok standing right in front of him, possibly wanting to punch him in the face for his harsh words.


Jimin's hint of anger immediately deflated as he heard the sweet sound of Yoongi's voice. Something changed in him which made him feel super submissive. The complete opposite of the way he felt towards Hoseok.

I love it when he calls me that.

"Yes?" The younger answered in a soft tone before approaching the locked door.

"Can I come in?" Yoongi asked, almost desperately as he placed his hand on the door. The younger didn't hesitate to unlock the door and let the his hyung in. He opened his arms and pulled Yoongi into him without a second thought.

Yoongi quickly jolted like a bolt of lightening as he was being almost being squeezed to death by Jimin. "Did one of the members make you watch a horror movie or something? Why are you clinging onto me so tightly?" He said, wrapping his arms around him also.

"Since I'm your favorite dongsaeng, I thought I'd show you some love today." The younger said innocently before lifting his head up to Yoongi's. The elder's dark brown eyes pierced into Jimin's soul.

Don't freaking look at me like that dammit!

Yoongi slightly and slowly bit his bottom lip casually, but Jimin thought it was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen.


Jimin heaved a long and heavy sigh before pushing Yoongi away from him.

"Is there something wrong?" Yoongi questioned with concern, but Jimin didn't answer. Instead, he backed away from the elder and threw his pink hair back.

I should've done it.

"Oh. Okay." The elder snickered, not knowing what else he was going to say. He had almost forgotten why he stopped by. "I just wanted to stop by and talk to you alone. You know how hard it is to talk to you in front of the others. They love to joke around..." He trailed off. "...but this is important."

The pink haired was all ears and waiting for what Yoongi had to say. Yoongi smiled at his dongsaeng, he thought it was cute that he was such a good listener other than the rest of the members.

Yoongi started to stare up at the ceiling, feeling overwhelmed that he actually had all of Jimin's attention. "This is about you and Hoseok. What is going on between you too, and how did it all start?" He asked which caught the younger completely off guard.

"There's nothing going on between us. We're fine. Why are you asking this so suddenly?" Jimin inquired the elder and the elder pinched the bridge of his nose and and let out a loud sigh. For some reason he knew Jimin was lying to him, but didn't understand why.

Jimin had never lied to Yoongi, at least that's what he thought, but he wouldn't lie unless it was absolutely necessary, for someone's sake.

Maybe Jimin was lying about the conflict between him and Hoseok, for Yoongi's sake. Yoongi thought it would be really serious if Jimin and Hoseok both had to hide what was going on between them from everyone.

We're completely not fucking fine.

Yoongi didn't breath when he walked up to Jimin. It wasn't purposely and that's what was scary.

"Why are you suddenly acting so different around me? You and Hoseok are fine. I don't buy it." The blue haired exclaimed which earned a frown from Jimin. "You can tell me anything you know that right?"

Jimin grunted and backed further away from the elder as if he was contagious. "You're so nosy. It's really starting to get annoying, and are you trying to call me a liar you coward! If you think I'm lying to you then just say it!"

Yoongi jumped at Jimin's sudden tone of voice. He wasn't stupid. He knew Jimin pretended to be angry at someone just to avoid answering a question. It'd happened numerous times before.

"What I don't understand is why are you yelling at me when I'm not even ten feet away from you." Yoongi proclaimed as he took another step toward the younger which was the only step he could take without stepping on Jimin's feet.

"Why do you have to be so close to me just to talk to me? I'm a very clostophobic person and you know that." Jimin defended himself.

"I need. To know. Why you're bickering with Hoseok? Don't you dare lie to me anymore!" Yoongi shouted with complete anger in his eyes. All he could see in Jimin's eyes was fear and a emotion of sadness.

Jimin squeezed his eyelids before a tear fell down his cheek. "It's all your fault. How can one person hate someone so deeply and love them at the same time? I hate you so much Yoongi. You don't understand it. Everytime I look at your stupid face my heart breaks. I hate you so fucking much."

Yoongi's mouth went agape. He didn't understand what the younger was trying to say, nor did he know why Jimin hate him so much. A lot was happening and Yoongi didn't know how to handle it.

"The fact that Hoseok also feels the same way about you let's me know that there's going to have to be a competition between the both of us." Jimin took a quick breath. "That's why we're bickering. Are you happy? Is that what you wanted to hear?"

Before Jimin knew it Yoongi had walked out of the room.

A/N: Please be prepared. Everything will change.

Fame Or Love | YoonminseokOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora