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The night was rough.

It was honestly one of the roughest nights any of the members had ever witnessed.

"I swear to God. I had way more than this yesterday. Who did it?" Jin questioned every single person in the kitchen as he stared at his half full—half empty— pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

"Hoseok." Was the first person to come into Namjoon's mind.

"It wasn't me this time. It was Jungkook! He had a giant bowl of it last night. " Hoseok didn't hesitate to tell as he pointed at Jungkook whom was eating his bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.

"So you're a thief and a snitch?" Jungkook rolled his eyes as he threw his spoon at Hoseok from across the dining table.


"Looks like we have two thieves in this household. I thought Yoongi said no stealing." The elder proclaimed as he approached Jungkook with a fierce expression on his face. "Is that true Jungkook?"

The younger nodded, not making eye contact with the elder, nor Hoseok whom was rubbing his head from when he had hit him.

"Well then. You owe me one pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream by tomorrow." Jin retorted while walking away from the younger.

The atmosphere between Jimin and Hoseok was even more suffocating, but the rest of the members didn't see the difference between the two. Everyone thought they were fine and were getting along.

"Can someone pass me the salt please?" Taehyung asked in general as Yoongi politely passed his dongsaeng the salt shaker from across the table.

The maknae glared at Taehyung and snickered.

Taehyung instantly slammed his fork onto the table and aggressively stared at Jungkook. "What is so funny Jungkook? Is it because I wanted salt?!"

The younger's eyes widened in astonishment. "Why are you yelling at the table? It looks like you've had way too much salt already."

"I will make you two eat on the floor if you don't calm it down." Jin told, making Jungkook and Taehyung silent. "Is there something going on with the two of you? Why are you so angry Taehyung?"

Taehyung stayed silent as he fiercefully sprinkled salt over his scrambled eggs. Jin gave him the look. The look an angry mother would give her child for not cleaning their room.

"Kim Taehyung." Jin said.

The younger forcefully faced the elder unhappiness and frustration.

"Come with me." Jin instructed as he excused himself from the table. Taehyung followed behind Jin, not knowing where the hell they were going until Jin pulled him outside.

"Why are we out here?" Taehyung asked as he tucked his hands into his pajama pant pockets.

"I'm sure you know why we're out here. Something is going on with you. How long has this been happening?" The elder asked as he leaned his weight against the outside stair railing.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at himself at how dumb he felt inside. "It's stupid. It's just so stupid. I don't even know why I got mad about it."

"You're not really upset at Jungkook are you?" Jin questioned, trying to understand what the younger was trying to tell him. "Don't beat around the bush. Just tell me."

"A year ago, Jungkook told Jimin that he was his favorite hyung and pretended like I wasn't there. Like I didn't matter. I guess you can say I got offended. Jungkook and I've been through greater things. We've talked about everything together. I told him every secret I've ever had, and..." Taehyung smiled as his eyes began to water. Before he could regain himself, Jin's arms wrapped around him.

"I understand. You don't have to finish." The elder admitted while Taehyung buried his head in his hyung's shoulder. Jin knew exactly how he felt. He felt the same way when Namjoon called Yoongi his favorite hyung.


"Oh shit!" Jungkook shouted as he slung a piece of scrambled egg at Yoongi whom caught it in his mouth. "How did you do that? It's your turn. Throw one at me now."

This is what Taehyung and Jin walked back to. A mess on the table and including the floor. They all had to have fun some how.

"What the hell are you two doing with my food? Jungkook you're going to sit on the floor an lick every crumb from the floor and Yoongi..." Jin paused and shook his head not knowing what else to say. Yoongi was the second oldest in the group and he was acting like the maknae.

"Since no one will explain to him what happened, I will. Jungkook was staring at Yoongi basically deepthroating his chopsticks as he was eating and Jungkook asked what else he could do with his mouth." Hoseok admitted as he shoved a slice of bacon in his mouth.

"And that's why there's food all over the place. Dammit, I was gone for no longer than 5 minutes." The elder sighed in disappointment, whilst stirring back at the dining room table.

"Well Yoongi admitted that he could catch food in his mouth so Jungkook threw a piece of scrambled egg at him, but look on the bright side. He caught it." Jimin told as Yoongi smiled proudly at his achievement.

"Jin hyung did you change the wifi password again? It won't connect and it says incorrect password." The younger proclaimed, while frowning.

"You're supposed to be cleaning the floor. Why would you need WiFi? Do you need Yoongi to help you?" Jin questioned and Yoongi immediately arose from the table and ran upstairs to his room.

"I wonder if there's WiFi in hell."

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