Chapter Fifty-One

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"I'm so sorry," Frank says "but I'm going to make it right."

I lightly shake my head and answer stoically as in a routine. "It's not your fault."

I don't even know what we're talking about. Reality still feels numb.

Frank keeps talking. "It somewhat is. I made a promise to keep the truth from you, but it's just not right. You need to know."

I look sideways, at him, while reality slowly slips back into its basic form.

He made a promise? To whom?

I don't know if I feel surprised or angry.

Who is keeping me from knowing this supposed 'truth' and why?

Frank's clearly focussing on the road with great intensity, he simply has to, driving at 80 mph, but at the same time he has put aside some of his attention for me.

"Okay," I cautiously ask "what is it that I need to know?"

Frank talks with breaks in between sentences, that way he manages to explain why I was abducted back in October and at the same time keep an eye on the road. "You know your dad has an influential company."

Uh oh, I really hope my dad isn't mentioned too many times in this story.

"He has his list of economic enemies, but nothing you won't expect from your average big league CEO. Last year unfortunately, a deal crossed the table which contained very bad news for a lot of folks if your dad would sign it. I can't tell you the details, those are confidential."

I give him a 'are you serious'-look. I thought he was going to tell me everything.

Frank picks up on my non-verbal cue. "I'm sorry, but you don't need to know that. Don't worry, it doesn't change anything." He continues. "The deal could make your dad a whole lot richer, but also corrupt. Like I said, a lot of hard-working people would suffer greatly if he had signed."

I jump to the logical conclusion. "Which he didn't."

Frank nods one time. "Exactly."

Of course he didn't. My dad has a good heart. I will always be proud of him because of it. "I guess he made a new enemy because of it."

Frank whistles softly. "He made a couple, you could say. One of those..." He hesitates in search of the right words. When he can't find them, he refrases the sentence. "The people your dad crossed, they had close connections to the organised crime businesses close to home and further away." Frank exhales. "They paid to abduct you, in order to force your dad into signing the deal." He looks over to measure my reaction.

I don't know how to react exactly. It makes sense, so I suppose it is the truth. I can't find a reason why Frank would lie to me now anyway. "He signed the deal and that's why I was returned." I finish the story.

I look down at my hands. They've got some bruises on them, so do my legs and feet. I clap open the sun visor, but immediately regret it. Some of my mascara has been smeared out around my eyes and I've got a big red bruise on my right cheek bone. That's going to turn blue soon. I should inspect if I'm hurt anywhere else when we get home. Are we even driving home?

Frank interrupts my thoughts. "Your dad didn't sign the deal and they didn't return you."

I look sideways at him with probably a confused expression. That's right. A couple of days ago, Lucas waited me up at school and told me it was Frank who got me out of that warehouse. Lucas sounded so delusional, I wasn't sure if I could believe him. "You returned me." I didn't aim my response at Frank in particular, I just corrected myself out loud.

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