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Cira Castello

Today will be the first day of Chew with Schools

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Today will be the first day of Chew with Schools.

... Well, the first official day.

Yesterday was spent with cameras and reporters crammed in my house as they interviewed me for the show. You know how they introduce competitors at the beginning of reality tv shows? Yup that's what I spent yesterday doing. I had memorized my answers beforehand so I wouldn't clam up and forget my own name while they asked their questions, but I was still nervous. What if when they edited it they made me seem like a total bitch? That's what they do in reality tv shows right?

I shake my head- gosh I get so paranoid about everything. Today I had to stay cool, calm, and collected if I had any chance of winning this competition.

I'm sitting in our school's auditorium when Will plops down on a seat beside me.

"Nervous?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"A little." I stammer- "Well no that was a lie. I'm actually really nervous. Like a lot nervous."

Will laughs, the corners of his eyes crinkling up. "You'll be fine Cira. Trust me."

I smile weakly.  Oh gosh. I really can't fuck up now.


I'm standing in our nutrition class with Will besides me, except it doesn't look like our nutrition class.

The desks have been cleared out, making room for a judges table- where oh my god my idols sit.

There's Adam Stone- whose the nice judge. He owns a bunch of restaurants all over New York, L.A, and Seattle. He's super chill- and makes everyone feel good about themselves.

Then there's Davan Mclain who terrifies me in every way possible. Here's the thing. She's a cold-hearted bitch. She's a vegan chef- who cooks for almost every celebrity.

Finally, there's Blake Harder who balances Adam and Davan perfectly. He's honest but not cruel- and he always has something nice to say.

Of course- there's the host David Horton whose simply there for the comic relief.

My palms are sweaty, and I rub them on my apron nervously. Maybe it's just the bright lights, but I can feel myself begin to overheat.

"It's okay." Will whispers to me. "We're gonna kick everyone's ass."

I look over at Anna whose trying her best not to look at her partner Amanda. She still hasn't forgiven her for what went down in the bathroom a few days ago.

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