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William Moore

4 weeks later

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4 weeks later.

"Good morning."

I groan as a flying pillow plummets onto my face, waking me up quickly. I stretch out my arms, blinking as the morning haze softly glistens through our window and into our small room.

"We're gonna to be late for breakfast." Liam says. He tugs on shirt, and yawning I get out off bed. I run a hand through my hair, rumpling it up somewhat into place, peering into a mirror beside the door. I stay there watching my reflection and my hand drops numbly back in place. Just a few weeks of eating have entirely transformed me. Not as much physically as psychologically, but I can't help but notice that my cheek bones don't jut out like daggers anymore, and my eyes don't seem trapped under shadows of smoke. Theres color in my face again, rosiness that implies that I am very much alive, when nearly a month ago I was dying.

"Vain much?" Liam says raising an eyebrow. "Are you gonna stare at yourself all day or what?"

"Ha ha." I laugh dryly rolling my eyes. "I hate you- you know that."

He grins mischievously- in reality he's become one of my closest friends. I don't know if I would have survived this program without him.

We trudge down to the nurses office before heading to the cafeteria.

"Hey boys." Nurse Maggie drawls, her small crinkled eyes glancing up at us warmly. "You know the drill."

She checks our blood pressure first, than checks our weights.

I step onto the scale backwards- protocol. I can't know how much I weigh cause that'll make me go crazy- note the sarcasm.

"tsk tsk, Wonderful." Nurse Maggie gushes happily. "I'm very proud off you."

I feel my face flush. I'm doing it- I'm gaining weight slowly but surely. I know I'm stronger than my eating disorder now- even though it used to feel like it was all I was.

"How do you boys feel about going home tomorrow." Nurse Maggie asks as Liam steps onto the scale.

"Nervous." I say truthfully. "But I know I have a support system behind me." That's something I learned in Rehab, to be completely and utterly honest at all times. Lying was only going to make things harder for myself, set me back, and I was working on earning back my families trust after months of lying to them

"Good. And you always have us too ya know." Nurse Maggie says with a warm smile. "We'll always be your family." She sniffles as she says this.

I kinda was a favorite amongst the nurses.

I pull her into a hug, as she chuckles deeply. "You'll be missed for sure Will."

"What about me!" Liam jokes dramatically. "Nurse Maggie, I feel completely betrayed.

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