•Exciting Update•

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Marcella Rodio

Marcella Rodio

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Hey Readers!

I know I haven't updated in a while, but I'm hoping you haven't fully let go of Chew yet.

Yes, officially the story Chew has ended. It's been completed yadadada. But Cira and Wills story hasn't ended yet- and for me it probably never will.

Which is why... I was think of making more epilogues??

Here me out,


1.Will has one more relapse in college.
2.You'll see him struggle with something he thought he already had under control- but now it's completely different. With a new environment, friends, and Cira far away from him- his challenges only get harder as he realizes in order to get scouted for a professional football team, he needs to be perfect.

2.Will and Cira have two kids. Amelia and Lucas, and Amelia happens to struggle with an eating disorder- like Will. But this time it's Orthorexia. Will whose been recovered for years is suddenly pulled back into the memories of his worst years. His biggest fear that his kids would go through the same path he went through becoming a reality.


If you're not interested in these epilogues, you don't have to read further. It's okay! I completely understand. But for my own sake (horrible writing withdrawals lol) I just need to put these story lines online. They've been in my head for weeks, and I want to share them with you.

Because this story has officially ended these chapters will be private. Which means you guys can only access them if you follow my account. This way these chapters are like a little hidden place for only the real fans of Cira and Will. So it can really be a safe place.

I hope you guys are interested. If your not I'll probably scratch this whole operation- but quite a few of you said you were in the last chapter soooo.....

Yeah anyway. If you are excited or kinda excited- comment which story line you're looking forward to the most!

Love you all so much.

Remember to follow my account to get access chapters of Chew :)

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Remember to follow my account to get access chapters of Chew :)

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