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Cira Castello

Cira Castello

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"Nonna!" I say, as my grandma comes through the door. I see her petite frame pull me into a hug, and a glimpse of her brown/red hair that every Italian grandma has at one point.

"Ciao Bella." She murmurs. She smells fresh of lemon and oranges, she has a habit of boiling them over the stovetop to fragrance her entire house. "Buon compleanno Cira." She pulls a small red present from behind her.

"Nonna." I sigh, "You didn't have to get me anything."

"Ohh." She says blushing. "But you don't turn seventeen every day."

We walk to my kitchen where my papa is making some lasagna. My Nonna immediately crinkles her nose.

"White Italian food? I thought I taught you better."

"Ah Mama, you always have something to say," Papa says shaking his head and giving her a kiss.

My mom walks into the room, holding Pippa in one arm. Her hair is in curlers, and her eyes widen when she glances at my nonna. "Oh Donna Maria, I didn't know you were coming."

"Ah, you know my old brain. I forgot!" My Nonna cackles, dipping her finger into my dad's spaghetti sauce. "Add some salt figlio."

I start to unwrap her present, my breath catching when I unveil a beautiful leather journal. "Oh, Nonna." I gasp, my eyes start to tear up as I flip through the pages, finding dozens of handwritten recipes. From struffoli, Pandoro, cannoli, to different types of pasta like fettuccine, tortellini, ravioli. I find recipes for pesto and manicotti and basic salsa. My heart feels so full. "This is amazing."

I pull her into another hug while she blushes. "Ah Bella, my mama gave me a book just like this- and now I think you need one too."

I smile warmly. "Ti amo, Nonna."

"So, tell me, what's been going on." She says dramatically, plopping down on a seat next to our island. "I can tell you, Caterina from church, couldn't stop talking about her granddaughter, Amelia- she's getting married, But oh- is she young. I'm saying it now- that Amelia is nocked up!"

I snort, stifling my laughter with my hand, while my pappa rolls his eyes. Nonna's a little dramatic, especially about her church drama.

"I got an email from school Cira, prom's going to be in May." My mom says flipping through a country living magazine. "You gonna go?"

"Mhmm. I think." I say, twisting my hair nervously. What if Will doesn't ask me?

"Well, you better start working now." My nonna says. 

I raise an eyebrow, "Work on what?"

"Slimming up. Theresa from church just started a new diet, with intermittent fasting- she's losing weight so fast. You should try it, it's from some magazine somewhere-"

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