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Cira Castello

I haven't seen Will in over a month

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I haven't seen Will in over a month. And when I open my front door it takes everything in me not to crash into his arms.

His blue eyes scan me over as a sly smile plays on his lips.

"Hey." He whispers.

I breathe in. He honestly doesn't understand how much his words affect me.

He pulls me into a hug and I'm cautious at first, but my fingers find warm skin not bones. I melt into him with a sigh of relief.

"Hey." I sing softly. This is my Will.

I grab hold of his hand and pull him inside. My parents are gone which means the house is lone and quiet.

We sit down in my sofa, quiet lingering in the air.

I gulp, hoping he can't see how nervous I'm feeling. I look down at my lap before I feel Wills soft hand rest against my cheek. I open my mouth as if to say something, but instead we stare at each other in quiet.

"I missed you." I manage to croak out, leaning against the support of his hand.

He responds by leaning in closer until I can count all his eyelashes and than pulling me into a gentle kiss. My mouth moves against his in rhythm, until I pull away.

"So you still like me." I whisper. He laughs shaking his head.

"Why wouldn't I? Cira, I'm obsessed with you."

My heart flutters, and I feel myself begin to blush.

"You were just gone for so long and-"

"Trust me, rehab isn't really the place to date."  Will jokes, raising an eyebrow.  I laugh and feel myself begin to relax.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask numbly, staring into his blue eyes. There icy almost, which fits-cause every time I look at him- it feels like all the blood in my body has frozen.

"Mhmm. Harry Potter?"

"Absolutely not."

My mouth hangs wide open in shock. "I am not dating a guy who doesn't like Harry Potter." My heart stops when I realize what Id said- dating. As if this was official. Was this official? How do you even know when things go from casual to serious?


"Sorry for what?" Will asks raising and eyebrow. "I was kidding I'm totally down for Harry potter."

"No its." I bite my lip nervously. "Are we dating?"

He chuckles shaking his head. "I was under the impression we were."


"Hey-" Will pulls me in closer against him, he's grinning happily. "Would do you do me the honor of being my girlfriend."

I roll my eyes, unable to hold back a laugh, "yes."

Who said romance was dead?


My eyes scan the schools hallway as the first bell rings. I bite my lip. Is he coming?

"Would you please chill out." Anna groans, "you're making me nervous." She shakes her limbs dramatically as I roll my eyes.

"He'll be fine Cira." Lyla says reassuringly, shoving the last of her books into her locker.

"I know. But it's been a few weeks." I sigh lost for words. Why was I so nervous? Will would be fine.

I hear motion from the main entrance, as I see Will enter, wearing a varsity hoodie and bike sweat pants. He looks absolutely gorgous in an way only he can look.

A few of his football friends make their way towards him, slamming him into crushing weird guy hugs- that one shoulder thing- while other clap there hands against his back- another weird guy thing. He looks radiant with a smile that seems to burst through the entire room.

His eyes lock onto mine and I wave dumbly.

He grins as he makes way to me, stopping only to kiss me gently on the lips

In front of everyone.


We're back at the beach with the shore crashing against our feet. The sand is warm under us, with the sunset looming over us in magnificent shades of orange, red, and pink.

"That's carnation pink." I murmur pointing up to the sky.

Wills eyebrows furrow. "Okay. That's not a thing. It's pink. Just pink."

"No it's not." I smile confidently. "My mom went on a redesigning spree last year. And she almost painted her bedroom that color before my dad intervened."

Will snorts as he eats another handful of popcorn.  "Wouldn't don't it."

"Were you scared." I ask quietly after a moment of silence.


"About coming back to school."

"Yeah." Will says almost solemnly. "I was terrified."

"But you have all these friends-"

"- yeah and I just spent a month in rehab for an eating disorder. Guys don't get that."

"I'm glad you did though. And everyone seemed pretty okay."

"Yeah. Surprisingly." He picks at his hoodie nervously. "I'm glad I went too. Honestly if I didn't I would have just spiraled until I disappeared."

"Disappeared? You don't mean that do you?"

"Honestly I was on a path of destruction."

My hair blows across my face as chilly wind draws from the horizon.

"I never want to go back their again." Will says. "I want to get better."

"And you will."

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Hey readers!
Chew is not over yet. There's about 5 more chapters so hang on. There's also an upcoming plot twist and Cira's story line gets interesting!

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