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William Moore

The door swings open, and my eyes immediately glance up to see my dad enter my hospital room

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The door swings open, and my eyes immediately glance up to see my dad enter my hospital room.

"Hey kid." He says, leaning down to kiss my mom on the cheek. "How are you feeling?"

I shrug.

The door swings open again- and I look up hopefully, but it's just the nurse. Not Becca.

The nurse smiles at me warmly, "Just gonna check your vitals sweetie."

She takes my blood pressure, checks my monitors- while I glare at my dad the entire time. He avoids my gaze, just like he has the past few days. I mean who's blaming him- who wants to look at me?

The nurse leaves the room, and I wait to hear the door click shut before turning to my parents.

"Where's Becca?" I ask thickly.

My dad shuffles his feet awkwardly, and my mom stiffens.

"You know seeing you in the hospital is tough for her babe." My mom says gently, obviously scared I'm going to get upset.

"I know."

"It's not that she doesn't want to- it's just-"

"I get it mom."

I look down at my hands- wishing I was anywhere but here. I was so bored, and tired. It was almost as if all the months of starving myself and over excising had suddenly slammed into me like a truck. I had been running on empty- and now I was facing the consequences.

"You still have the feeding tube in." My dad says with a clipped tone.

My mom gives him a look.

"It's only been a week." I say quietly awaiting the storm that would soon erupt from my dad.

My dad runs a hand down his beard- or shadow for a more accurate description. His eyes lock with mine for the first time in forever, and I notice how tired they look, glazed in a shimmer of red- like moms.

I clear my throat, noticing how sore it's become. Almost like how it felt after I purged. "Can I have water mom?"

"Of course." She says, shuffling up quickly, placing down her book and exiting the room.

This leaves me and my dad alone.

"I thought a week would be enough time for you to get back on track, kid."

I don't respond. How can I? How can he understand? I don't want this fucking tube down my throat, I don't want to be under supervision 24/7, I don't want to be locked in a hospital room suffocating slowly. But I can't eat- I can't. I had finally become everything I worked so hard for, how could I throw that away?

"Enough time to get this behind you."

I swallow, "I can't get it behind me dad- you don't get it, this is me."

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