Chapter 11: Game Of Love

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Three words.

There were three words filled with curiosity, confusion, dread and abhorrence playing at the edge of my tongue. Words that would form the question I was afraid to know the answer to. The person in front of me was watching my every move, the side of his lips curved up slightly, reminding me of the massive explosion of emotions I felt a while ago, threatening to take over what was left of my sanity.

"What's that for?"

He didn't answer.

I did everything I could to stop myself from doing what my heart wanted me to do.

Chase sat on the opposite chair, dumping his lunch tray on the cafeteria table with a thud. I struggled to keep my face void of any kind of reaction. I didn't expect him to show himself to me in this casual manner, like he didn't practically throw me out of the hotel when he figured I would just slow the team down at the leadership training activity last week. It was a huge slap to my ego.

"Are you sure you're capable of hosting a party tonight? Your wrist is not fully healed," he said as he unwrapped a carrot cake.

"Did you hit your big head against a wall or something? Since when do you care about my welfare?" I asked in an annoyed tone. He widened his eyes for a fraction of a second then concealed his shock with a shrug.

"I don't know. Since never?" Ouch with a capital O. That reply earned him an icy glare and he matched it with his own. "I just like to converse with stupid girls at lunch time. And I run out of topics."

"Are you calling me stupid?"

"Truth hurts, I know," he uttered with a self-satisfied smile.

"You know what, I also have this habit of talking to dumb and insensitive guys during lunch," I said in a confident tone. "So I guess this is a win-win situation."

He dropped a clenched fist at the table with such force that erased the grin off my face. Oh boy.

"This is a complete waste of time. You're the most annoying girl on this planet." There's a noticeable murderous intent in his gaze. He's scaring me but I refused to let my fear show.

"Yeah Chase, why waste your precious time talking to me? Don't you have a girlfriend to talk to and a pathetic admirer to play with?" Catherine's image went to my mind and before I knew it I was angrily tearing up napkins on my lap. The playful smirk went back to his mouth.

"Yeah, I should play with other girls. That's my long term goal in life," he said sarcastically and pulled himself up, leaving his food behind. "You just ruined my appetite."

"You just ruined my afternoon," I said, standing up too. We both turned away from each other then walked away in opposite directions. Not a good decision on my part because my path led to the trash bins.

Brenton came to my side. "I've already put the banner down and th—"

"They're back," I interrupted.

"They who?"

"Student Council."

"Cool! So they'll make it to the party. I'll tell Serene. I'll be bac—"

"It's not cool! I don't want them there! Especially Chase and Catherine. No wait, maybe I can tolerate Catherine's nasty and promiscuous dating habits but I don't think I'll be able to stand Chase's bipolar and obnoxious attitude. I don't want him to show up!" The collar of Brenton's jacket was crumpled within my hands.

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