Chapter 2

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Kai observed the small boys features totally not realizing he looked like a creep for staring too long. His thick heart-shaped lips, cute round nose, and large eyes.

"What's your name?" Kai smirked. The boy was too busy staring at the tanned male. Kai soon noticed that he wasn't alone and realized how nice he was being.

"Come on kid, I don't have all day." Kai growled walking towards the boy making him fall back on the ground.The latter's raspy voice took the small boy out of his thoughts.

"I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry." Kyungsoo was now a stuttering mess.

"Shut up, you sound stupid." Kai gritted.

Kai and his friends left the doe eyed male sitting on the floor.

"You know, you almost worried me there for a second." Chanyeol stated

"What do you mean Yeol." Kai raised his eyebrow

"I swear I thought you were losing your bad boy image." Chanyeol swung his arm around Kai's shoulder.

"Ha, you wish." He slung Chanyeol's arm from around his shoulder.

Deep down inside, Kai felt a sensation of him starting to feel soft for the older. He didn't know who he was, but he felt he was different from the others who fangirl over him.

"Nice job making a new enemy." Kyungsoo spoke to himself.

"OMG, are you ok Soo?" Baekhyun ran up to him and lifted him off the ground. He was worried on why he was taking forever.

"Soo?" Kyungsoo cocked his head to side confused on what his new friend said.

"That's your nickname, but that's beside the point. What happened to you?."

"O haha, just a new kid already making enemies." He chuckled nervously.

"Tsk tsk tsk, and I thought you were different than the others." Baekhyun sighed.

"My looks may say that but what comes out my mouth is a different story."

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