Chapter 7

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Could it be that the heavens made this angel fall from the sky just for him? Or was he just that lucky. He sat his stuff down and immediately went towards the body on the bed, admiring those features of his. Now he knows why he fell in love. His plump heart shaped lips, squishy cheeks, and even though he was sleep, he could recall the smaller boy having huge, round doe eyes. He looked purely innocent in his eyes, even after the bad encounter they had. He moved the boy's hair out of his face, just getting lost in his fantasies about him, not even noticing the boy waking up.

Kyungsoo, he didn't even mind. He was just relaxed in the touch of someone playing with his hair as he enjoyed the feeling very much. Sadly, he had to stop it since he was curious on where the nice feeling was coming from. He opened his eyes to see the man himself, Kim Jongin.

"W-what are y-you doing in here?" He managed to stutter out. Kai was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the fragile voice. 

Kyungsoo jumped, "Well look whose awake." Kai stood over the boy making him feel small. Kyungsoo didn't know why but he looked down, feeling embarrassed by the other towering over him. Kyungsoo's sleeve fell down his shoulder revealing his collarbone. Kai raised it up for it to only fall on the opposite side. Kyungsoo flinched every time.

Kai never meant to scare the boy but it was only in front of his friends, "Kyungsoo stop, I'm not gonna hurt you. You're okay." Kyungsoo was shaking, he had never in his life have been present to another male.

"Aish what do I need to do to show that you don't have to be afraid?"

Kyungsoo shrugged, "I don't know. I'm just..." another reason the older was shook by the latter was a secret and a true meaning of why he moved here to begin with. The tradgedy of his mom turning into a alcholic and severly hurting him when his father wasn't there to protect him. Was there a need to explain? Kai could already see the fear and sorrow in his eyes. He actually felt sorry for somebody.

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