Chapter 6

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Kai stood highly above Kyungsoo. "We meet again I see."

"Yep." Kyungsoo mumbled with a uneasy feeling of being under his presence.

Chen noticed the two talking and budged in, "You know him already Kai?"

Kai looked at Kyungsoo before answering, " I wouldn't say I know him but more like I've seen him a lot."

Saying that Kyungsoo was out of it. He was to busy wondering when Kai was going to leave that he didn't even notice Luhan pulling him away from the taller male.

"Soo you alright?" Xiumin called to him even though he was trapped in Chen's back hug. Kyungsoo snapped out of his trance and answered.

"Y-yeah." Kyungsoo said in a quiet tone.

"Ok well we will see you guys later," Suho said trying to make it less akward. Just then Chen and Xiumin shared there goodbyes planning to meet again.

"Kai what was that?" Sehun questioned about the weird and awkward situation that had occurred.

Kai just told him nothing but he knew deep down inside he wanted to grab the older penguin looking boys hands squeeze them and tell him that it's okay. But he couldn't.

"Ah well See you later."

"You too."

"Chen I think you have something on Xiumin." Kai stated smiling and poking Chen's shoulder.

Chen was quiet, "maybe." He was now smiling at himself embarrassed. There was no point to lie since Kai has already seen them doing mostly anything together. He even watched Chen beg the principal to switch the dorms and give him a dorm with Xiumin. It worked because the principal thought he was too adorable when he said please because of the way his lips curled and although that made Chen mad he was to happy that he could share the dorm with the older that he forgot about it.

With this new meaning it meant that everyone in Chen's grade was going to switch. Which made Kai ecstatic knowing that he could get a dorm room with the puppy like Kyungsoo. "Nini, do you think you will be in my dorm as well?"

"Maybe Chen. Maybe not."

Classes are being delayed for the change in dorms

"Xiu hyung I heard that we are switching dorms. We must pack." Baekhyun screamed into the room.

Xiumin chuckled, "You need to pack, while you were sleep all 4 of us packed." Now everyone else laughed including Baekhyun, who was now packing.

Kyungsoo cleaned everything in dorm, he cleaned enough that you'd even be fooled that no one ever lived there. It was a habit he had.

Being the last one out Suho grabbed the key and the group walked to get there new dorm keys. Kyungsoo was mute the whole time making it there as the others talked amongst themselves. Something was bothering him but he couldn't find out what it was.

Later that evening everyone was settled in their dorms and boy the pairings of the two to a dorm room was perfect. Xiumin and Chen, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, Kris and Suho, Sehun and Luhan, and in the end Kai and Kyungsoo was undecided. Kyungsoo was in the empty dorm room setting things up. He felt bad knowing that the people protecting him were gone with someone they got along with to where he was alone without a roommate. Kyungsoo changed his clothes into the shirt and boxers Suho gave him which were bigger than him since he had more of a females body. He looked up at the ceiling of his room after pulling the wide shirt sleeve back up to where it belonged. He didn't realize it, but after a few games he played on his phone and after a few phone calls with the other members he fell asleep.


The tanned-male has just heard something so wonderful, that he truly expressed his feelings of happiness since no one was out this late at night. The news heard did in fact feel planned to Kai but he didn't complain as he was actually happy about getting the same room with the boy he felt different about. Kyungsoo to him wasn't like any other boy who seeked for his attention, instead Kyungsoo was the type that grabbed his attention. Kai, in all actuality, felt like he would get somewhere with the boy, playing hard to get or even trying to deny he was his type anyway. He made it to the dorm room, he stopped and did something he has never done before, he sighed puffing his cheeks out. He walked in the room and the first sight he laid his eyes on was something adorable.

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