Chapter 22

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"Uh," Chanyeol averted his attention somewhere other than the short male in front of him, "Oh hey look, it's Kai!" He shouted as he noticed the tanned-male walking towards them.

Once Kai noticed Kyungsoo talking to Chanyeol he was nervous, he doesn't know why, but he felt like Chanyeol would tell him things he shouldn't know. He then saw Chanyeol wave him over and he quickly went.

"Hey Chanyeol, what brings you here.... with Kyungsoo?"

"Oh, I just ran into the little guy," Chanyeol answered, "By the way, don't you just love his new do?"

Just by Chanyeol asking that question Kai felt guilty since he didn't know how to answer earlier, he froze upon seeing Kyungsoo looking the way he is now. He noticed how Kyungsoo wasn't looking at him, he's probably upset from earlier.

"Yes, I really do love it."  Kai answered grasping Kyungsoo's attention.

"How much?" Chanyeol asked

"As much as I love him." Kai stated.

Kyungsoo's face was turning red as a tomato. He was shocked to hear Kai confessing again, he didn't know it was coming again so sudden.

"Look Kyungsoo," He grabbed his hand making the red head boy look at him, "I really love you, what happened earlier at the salon I just froze. I know our past interactions haven't been great, heck, I even ignored you because Chanyeol told me it'll make you feel for me more."

"I knew you had something to do with this!!" Kyungsoo shouted and grabbed both of Chanyeol's ears. His focus was completely on the giant in front of him, ignoring Kai's words.

"Owww! How is your grip so strong, you basically have baby hands!?" He said in pain.

Kai laughed before grabbing Kyungsoo by the waist and pulling him away from Chanyeol.

"Dude, you better control your boyfriend." Chanyeol warned as he rubbed his ears.

"Boyfriend!? I'm sorry, but you must be mistaking me for someone else in that group of yours." Kyungsoo spat.

"Soo, we're going back to the dorm." Kai said trying to grab the short boy's hand, but Kyungsoo moved his hand away.

"I'm not done with him yet, he made me go through hard times. I was practically sulking ever since the day you stopped talking to me!!!" Kyungsoo argued.

Kai knew that his anger wasn't stopping for a while, Kyungsoo snapped really easy, people were giving them weird looks so Kai took matters into his own hands. He lifted the red head boy up and swung him over his shoulder.

"We'll be going now Chanyeol." He waves before walking away.

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