Happy Birthday, Rose

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Rose woke up to a clanking and whirring noise in the TARDIS. It was a Sunday, and she and the Doctor had decided to just take it easy for the day, after a week of fighting Cybermen, Daleks, and Raxicoricofallapatorians (also known as Slitheen.)

Rose put on some decent clothes and went out to investigate the clanking and whirring. The Doctor rarely sleeps, so he must've either woken up early or didn't sleep at all.

As she got closer to the control room, the sound seemed to get louder. Rose was starting to wonder if it was even the Doctor at all, but maybe the TARDIS acting up.

But when she walked out into the control center, she saw that it wasn't the TARDIS at all! It was the Doctor, nailing up a sign that read,


Rose was very surprised. There were balloons, all colors and designs, including her favorite color, pink, and an images of planets and galaxies on multiple of the balloons. There was a cake that had Rose's name on it. There were even gifts neatly placed next to the cake.

The Doctor finished nailing up the sign, stood back and admired it, then turned around only to be surprised himself by Rose.

"Oh, hello! Finally up, I see." He said cheerfully. "Today is your birthday back home."

"Yeah, I've noticed!" Rose replied, laughing. "How did you...when..."

"I've been planning on this since you told me when your birthday was. I wanted I give you a proper celebration on the TARDIS." The Doctor grinned, obviously proud of himself.

"You remembered that? I can't believe you did all this! It's...great. Really great."

"What's wrong?" The Doctor asked, detecting a hint of sadness in her voice.

"It's nothing really. Just a little homesick..."

The Doctor walked over to Rose, caressing her cheek. "I can take you home, if you want."

Suddenly perking up, Rose said, "Doctor, I can go back home any day. I could stay with you twenty years and still be back for my birthday, right?-"

"Right, but you'd seem just a bit older...you're mum would be suspicious-"

Rose laughed and looked down sheepishly. "Yeah, but what I'm trying to say is, I wouldn't give up a single day, a single minute I've ever spent on the TARDIS, on adventures...with you." She looked up. "I love being here with you, Doctor, so I think home can wait."

The Doctor looked down bashfully, smiling. Then, looking up, stretching out his arms, he said, "C'mere, you."

Rose walked into his outstretched arms, forgetting about home, and thinking only of how much she loved the Doctor. As she did so, something strange but wonderful happened...

The Doctor pulled out from their hug, put his hands on Rose's face, and kissed her softly on the lips.

As he pulled away, smirking now at Rose's blushing, he said,

"Happy Birthday, Rose."

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