I. Having My Baby

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This cannot be real.

I stared down at the five different tests that lay face-down on my marble bathroom counter. I couldn't find the willpower to turn them right side up. I was already at the verge of tears, seeing that I was in a situation I never thought I would be in. Was I really the girl, still a mere junior, who got knocked up by her high school English teacher? I started making mental preparations for either outcome as I slid down onto my linoleum floor, slowly and dolefully.

"If they're negative-" I began, slowly tracing the outline of one of the tiles on the floor. "I'll go straight to the pharmacy to get birth control pills. I can't have another scare like this, especially not with my relationship tottering on the edge of a cliff every day we're together."

I took another deep breath and began to think of the other potential outcome that would drastically change mine and my love's lives forever.

"If it's -" I said, under my breath. Mike, my brother, was home from his "basketball practice" which I knew now to be a complete sham. However, it didn't matter how quietly I said it. I physically couldn't bring myself to say the word. "If it's...positive...and I really am going to have a baby, then-"

I couldn't take it. Being in there, alone, was killing me inside. As many of my friends know, leaving Aria Montgomery alone with only her thoughts is a very, very terrible idea.

Then, a thought crossed my mind that made my heart suffer a palpitation or two. How could I have been so selfish? I have been only thinking of myself these last ten minutes, what about the other people whose lives I could ruin with my mistake? My mom, my dad, my brother, my friends. Ezra. My potential unborn child.

This made me immediately burst into tears as I lay on the cold floor. It was now or never. I knew in my heart that I needed to be strong and turn over the sticks that lay on my countertop that could potentially perturb my future badly enough that it would completely unravel.

I slowly stood up, unable to breathe, and fixated my dark brown orbs onto the objects on the counter. I finally found the courage to breathe again and shut my eyes tightly and I began to feel for the tests. As soon as I blindly found one, I turned it over. I continued on with this really pathetic strategy that could at least let a morsel of hope remain in my heart for just a little longer.

Soon, I had turned over all five of the tests and was preparing to open my eyes. I blinked twice, opened one eye, both eyes, and then inhaled very quickly in order to hold in my sobs.

There, sitting on my counter, was my future. The first stick had a very subtle 'You're Pregnant!' written on the screen. The next wasn't very different, it had a 'P' that shone in red text on the khaki coloured screen. The third had two lines that were a neutral blue colour. And the last two had the word 'pregnant' plastered on the front.

I backed away, hyperventilating as I hit the locked door with my shoulder, and slid down onto the floor once again. I held my locket that Ezra gave me for our four month anniversary tightly in my hand as I sobbed my heart out. I couldn't be a mother.

"I'm only seventeen!" I said, softly in between my sobs of disbelief. How could I ever have made such a humongous mistake? Well, okay I know how, but I could've sworn we used protection! Okay, we both weren't very good at being aware when we were drunk. This isn't real. It can't be!

"Oh my God-" I said, inhaling deeply as I continued to hold my messy locks in between my slender fingers. I hid my head between my knees and sobbed even harder. This could get Ezra ARRESTED. I couldn't do that to him, or his family.

I knew very well what I could do to prevent that, but I knew that I couldn't. Despite my knowledge of what could happen, I couldn't bring myself to kill the unborn baby I now had growing inside me. I just couldn't. This was a huge responsibility, and I know I'm not nearly prepared for this big a change. I was finally beginning to get myself together when my phone began to buzz. I look down, and my jaw dropped to the floor.

There, in bolded crimson-colored letters, was this message on the home screen of my phone:

"I see mommy's girl is gonna be a mommy herself soon. I wouldn't want to ruin this for you, would I? Think again, bitch.

Kisses - A."

I began to sob uncontrollably once again, but I had to stop because apparently Mike had heard me all the way down the hallway, and he made sure to make that quite clear.

"Aria, can you keep it down?! I get that your mystery-man just broke up with you, but I have other stuff to do that doesn't include calming you down." He muttered after knocking on the bathroom door and he walked away.

At least he was still buying the lie I told earlier after I began to suspect myself of having a bun in the oven and was constantly a nervous and emotional wreck and was nauseous 24/7. At least I still had that under control.

Nope. I spoke too soon.

I began to puke my guts out as I held my own hair above my head whilst leaning over the toilet. It took me two solid minutes until I was done emptying my stomach contents. Then, I slumped back and wiped my mouth with a wet rag I kept by me in case this happened again, which would make that last time the fourth time that day.

As I sat back against the door, I gently placed my tiny hands over my abdomen which, thank goodness, was still flat. I was in this for the long haul. I began playing out the potential reactions I would get from my family, friends and Ezra once I told them about me eating for two in my head. I tried to think positively, but it didn't work. Most of the potential reactions that played through my head were negative. Then, the floodgates opened and I cried once again.

What now?

So, yeah, I'm a hardcore Sparia stan, but this fic was written and published on FanFiction.Net, gaining over 25,000 views, so in celebration, I'm gonna publish it here, too.

Happy reading.


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