X. Fight Fire with Fire

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As the doorknob began to turn, Ezra and I both turned our heads in suspense to see what our fates would be: my parents or my friends? But, we both were able to breathe again as Dr. Murphy walked into the room. I even smiled a bit at Ezra, and he smiled back. I think that we were both thinking the same thing when the door began to open.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you two," He began with a stressed look on his face,"but Aria, your parents are getting antsy."

Ezra and I looked at each other and we knew what had to be done. He squeezed my hand and kissed me on the head as he walked out of the room. I take it went to go get a snack from the vending machine. Ezra, believe it or not, was a real snacker. Especially when he's nervous or trying to distract himself from his anger. After Ezra left the room, Dr. Murphy walked over to the table to set down his clipboard.

"So," He began as he walked over to the foot of my hospital bed,"is that the 'complicated' relationship you were telling me about when we met at your ultrasound appointment?" He smiled and I nodded. I explained how my parents didn't know about us dating, as my parents weren't too fond of him in the first place. I think he assumed that if they didn't know about Ezra, they probably didn't know about our engagement or our baby. If it were so, his assumption was absolutely correct.

"I won't say a word, Aria." He said, picking up his notes. "But you'll need to tell them sometime." I nodded again and he smiled. He said he was going to fetch my mom and dad from the waiting room.

And then it was just me in my room, all alone. But, that was short lived, because my parents came running into the room almost as quickly as Ezra did. Almost. My mom sat down and immediately hugged me. As I hugged her back, I looked at my dad with complete fear in my eyes. I knew what he was capable of, and I didn't want him near me, both for my own sake and that of my baby. I began crying again, and my mom hugged me harder. When she finally let go, she was crying.

"Aria, we were so worried about you! What happened?!"

"They said it was a hit and run, but there were still pieces of the car that hit me in my car from the impact. They said they'll figure it out soon." I replied, looking right past my mom and straight into my dad's eyes.

"Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" She said, putting a hand to my head.

"I'm okay. But they had to put some stitches in my head because of the way I was hit." I replied.

"My poor baby!" She said, hugging me again. "Aria, I am so sorry that some sick bastard would do that to you."

I hugged her back and she began crying again. I was crying again, too. I glanced over my mom's shoulder at my dad and I wanted to walk over there and clock him in the jaw.

As I looked at my dad, I saw that he was holding his wrist. Almost like he was injured. I knew that he had done it, and I had evidence on my side. I hadn't told Ezra, but the repairman had already analyzed the car parts. They were an exact match to the car my dad drove. Just then, my dad walked over to the flowers that sat in a vase on my table. He read the card and I somehow managed to keep it together.

"Who's 'E'?" My dad said, looking at me with a smirk. I think he wanted to catch me in a lie. He wouldn't, because he sometimes forgets that I spent several years being friends with Alison Dilaurentis, who was the best liar there was.

"Em." I replied with a smile."Her mom gave those to a nurse when she told them to tell me that the girls were unable to come immediately."

"That's so sweet of her!" My mom said while looking at the gorgeous flowers that sat on my table.

"I know." I replied looking at my dad. "Some people are just naturally sweet." I think he caught on to my weird remarks against him and my overall being distant.

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