IX. My Immortal

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When my eyes finally fluttered open again, all I saw was the bright lights of the ambulance and all I heard were the voices of doctors. There were a few familiar voices as well, but I didn't have time to process them before the pain threw me back into unconsciousness.

Awhile later, I was awoken by a doctor who looked oddly familiar. Then, I immediately recognized him.

"Doctor Murphy?" I stuttered as I began to sit up. Then, I immediately fell back down, as the pain in my head was too great.

"Oh, thank goodness." He said, while grabbing a phone and quickly dialed a three-digit number via the keypad. He then ran over to me to check my vitals with the phone still on his ear. He began to say things in a code that I didn't understand, nor did I want to understand.

"Hello, Aria." He said while writing something down on his notepad. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better-" I said before quickly realizing that I had something far more important to worry about than myself.

"My baby-" I said, lowering my hand to my stomach. "Is my baby alright?"

"Aria, we won't know for sure until the test results come back, which should happen any minute." He replied while putting a hand on my shoulder to stop me from either hyperventilating or crying. It didn't work, as I began to cry.

"Do you want me to get anyone for you?" He said, trying to assuage me. "A young man has been waiting here for almost five hours in the waiting room."

Five hours? I was out for five hours?

That had to be Ezra. I took a deep breath and told him that he could bring Ezra in. He smiled and nodded as he exited the room. I waited for a mere thirty seconds before Ezra was sprinting down the hallway towards my room. I could tell that he had been crying for several hours.

He ran into my small room and paused at the door to catch his breath in relief that I was okay.

"Oh, thank God. You're okay." He said in a single breath before running to my side.

He hugged me almost immediately. We didn't move for what seemed like forever, and I wanted to keep it that way. He then set flowers on the table and kissed me.

"Yeah," I began as I ran my fingers through his curly hair lovingly, "I'm okay. I'm okay, now that you're here."

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking," Dr. Murphy began,"what is your relation to Ms. Montgomery?"

"We're engaged." He replied, placing his left hand over mine, which rested on my stomach. Then, his stern, professional face suddenly grew into an excited and joyous smile as he congratulated us on our engagement.

"Thank you for the flowers, Ezra."

"Of course, babe. I'm so, SO glad you're okay, Aria."

After he said those words, tears began to gather in my eyes again; and Ezra immediately knew what was wrong. His reddened eyes met mine, and he picked up my hand in his and held our linked hands on my stomach. He put his other arm around my shoulder and pressed his forehead lightly on mine soothingly as I held back tears. As he rubbed my back, he told me that everything was going to be alright; and that gave me hope.

Just then, a nurse came in with a file and a smile on her face. It was Olivia. She quickly handed the file over to Dr. Murphy and headed over to Ezra and I.

"You have a little fighter in there, hon. Your baby is perfectly fine. It's a miracle, to put it quite frankly. You're very lucky." She said while putting a warm hand on my shoulder. Although I had only met her once, we still had an instant connection. She was like my mother away from my mother. She then backed up to let Ezra and I have a moment.

We hugged and laughed and kissed. We were overjoyed that our baby was okay, especially after such a bad accident. Olivia was right; it really was a miracle. I had heard earlier that I was lucky to have survived, as it was the way that the airbag impacted my body and the way I was positioned in the car that saved my life. No. It was that that saved both of our lives; my baby's and mine.

"I thought you just worked at the maternity ward!" I exclaimed. I was surprised to see her here as a nurse and not as that quirky lady who sat at the front desk.

"Honey, the Rosewood hospital staff is about as small as, well, the Rosewood police force. We all have to have several qualifications to get a job. Just don't let me perform surgery on you!" She said as she began to laugh. Her laugh made me laugh and the sight of me laughing made Ezra laugh. The room, which was as melancholy as a funeral before, was now as joyful as a fete.

Then, Dr. Murphy got a phone call. When he hung up, he told me that my parents had arrived to see me. As he said those words, I couldn't breathe. I knew why, I just couldn't tell anyone. When I was hit by that car, I didn't just see the car. I saw the driver, too. When I finally matched the car and the driver, my eyes widened and I began to hyperventilate. Ezra started to grow worried, so he grabbed my hand and I held on tight.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Ezra said with a worried tone in his voice as his looked at me. I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I looked back at him.

"I'll give you two a minute." Dr. Murphy said while motioning Olivia out of the room with him. They left; and we were alone together once again.

"Aria?" He said, putting his hand on mine. "Baby, what's wrong? You're starting to scare me."

"I know who did it." I said just under my breath. I couldn't even hear the words that came from my mouth.

"What?" Ezra said, lifting my chin up slowly and wiping the tears from my eyes with his thumbs.

"I know who hit me. With the car." I said. This time, though, I said it loud enough that Dr. Murphy could probably hear me. A look of nervousness came over Ezra's face, and I knew he was preparing to beat the living hell out of whoever tried to hurt the person he loves most.

"Baby, who was it?" He said. "I'll get whoever it was thrown in prison if it's the last thing I ever do. I promise, Aria; nobody will ever hurt you while I'm here."

"Ezra," I began. I slowly looked into his eyes and tried my best to not break down crying again as I spoke."it was my dad."

His face grew pale and a look of sheer horror came over him. I began to sob and he held me tight as I wept. He rubbed my back and I didn't move. I felt so safe, yet still so vulnerable, seeing as my mom and dad were just in the waiting room down the hall.

"Why would he do such a thing?" He said, his face gaining a look of anger as rage bubbled up inside him.

"Ezra," I said, tears still streaming down my face."he was wearing a black hoodie. He's working with 'A'."

The silence that came after I said that was so deep yet so thin. Nobody said anything for what seemed like an eternity. I could tell that Ezra was beginning to grow angrier and angrier at Byron because of the pain he caused his new family. He wasn't going to let anyone hurt his family again, and he made sure to let me know that, for as he hugged me and rubbed my back as I cried, he whispered that he was going to protect me and our child, no matter what it took.

Then, the door opened...

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