VI. Family Business

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After Ezra and I fell asleep, I was so tired from constantly crying and laughing that I managed to stay asleep in his arms all night. That was the first time in weeks that I had gotten a full nights rest, as I began to suspect my being pregnant a few weeks before I knew for sure, and I was a nervous and anxiety-ridden mess for the time being.

In the morning, I was awoken by the smell of breakfast on the stove and brilliant rays of sunshine coming through the open window. I was surprised at my sudden burst of optimism, as I was usually (and Ezra could confirm it) the most pessimistic person you would ever meet.

I slowly began to get up out of the bed, when I heard Ezra talking to me.

"Honey, don't move a muscle." He said, turning around with a plater in hand. "Breakfast is coming to you."

"Ezra Fitz, you are too good to me." I said, giggling as he approached me. He set the tray down at the foot of the bed and kissed me passionately on the lips.

"I know." He said after he broke our kiss. "I love you SO much." I could never get enough of him saying that to me.

"How in the world did I get so lucky?" I asked, staring at my shirtless boyfriend as he sat down beside me on the bed.

"I was just about to ask you the same question." He replied with a smile and kissed my forehead softly. As soon as he said these words, I suddenly grew incredibly serious. The doubt in the back of my mind suddenly came to the forefront of my thoughts, and Ezra noticed this. "Hey. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I'm just-I'm really nervous. What if we aren't as prepared for this as we think we are? What happens when the baby is born? What if I'm not a good mother?"

"Aria, please don't think like that. I understand why you're nervous. I was nervous, too. I know that this isn't exactly ideal right now, but isn't this what we were planning for eventually?" He replied softly.

"Yeah, eventually. Not now. I don't want to stop you from doing the things you want to do in life. This'll change everything, Ezra. Everything. Please, if you don't want this, I want you to be completely honest and tell me. It's not too late."

"You want me to be completely honest? I want to do this more than anything else in the world. Nothing can hinder me from doing anything, because you're the only thing that matters to me. And it is too late; because I have already fallen in love with our child. Our baby will change our lives in the best ways possible. Babe, we will be so damn happy. I already am. This will be a wonderful thing for us in the end. I love you." He reassured me lovingly. I smiled weakly as he wiped tears from under my eyes with the pads of his thumbs.

"I love you, too. Thank you for being the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. And thank you for loving me today the same way you loved me yesterday." I whispered.

"I will always love you, Aria. I will always love both of you." He placed his hand delicately on my stomach and looked up at me with a smile.

"What?" I asked, chuckling.

"Can you turn to the side for a second?" He asked as he bent down slightly. I laughed and looked down at him. The funny thing is, he was just about eye level with me now.


"Because you're so skinny, I can't tell if you're showing yet from the front. Not that I don't love you skinny. I love you just the way you are. I just think you'd be cute with a baby bump."

His boyish smile and pleading blue eyes made me cave; and I laughed before turning to the side like he had requested. He ran his hand down my midsection, flattening the fabric of my shirt to my skin.

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