II. House of the Rising Sun

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After my most recent life-changing discovery, I didn't want to get up off the floor for awhile. I wanted to lay there with no interruptions as I considered what to do next. This was my plan, at least. Then, I heard the front door open.

My parents were home. I heard them greet Mike in the living room as he amused himself with a round of "Grand Theft Auto" with a complete stranger as he always did in his free time. I heard them ask him where I was, and he told the same lie I told him.

"Thank God." I said, just under my breath."At least Mike still buys it."

I heard my mom approaching the locked bathroom door behind which I had isolated myself and I began to panic. I grabbed all five sticks and shoved them into my "lady product" bag, which was the one place that my dad wouldn't touch, Mike would ignore and my mom would leave unperturbed. At least I knew that I wouldn't be needing that for the next nine months. Heck, that's the only upside of this pregnancy so far!

My mom knocked on the door slowly.

"Sweetheart?" She said, trying to sound as sweet as Ella Montgomery could. "Mike told me everything. I am so sorry, honey. And especially after Noel, I'd be happy to track him down and beat the shit out of him."

This made me laugh for the first time that day. She obviously heard that, and tried to coax me into my room. I gave in, and as soon as I opened the door, I was engulfed in her sweet, warm embrace.

My mother always knew just how to assuage me. She had done this when I broke up with my first boyfriend, and now she thinks she's doing the same for this breakup. However, only 'A' and I knew that this was false. She soon let me go and smoothed my hair.

"I'm going to go make dinner before Byron and Mike have heart attacks. Will you be joining us? Because if you're more comfortable-"

"Mom," I began, "I'll be fine. I'll meet you downstairs, okay?"

"Okay, honey." She said, putting a warm hand on my flushed cheek. "But you may want to consider brushing your teeth. You really need to put a mint in that dumpster."

Then she left, closing my mahogany door behind her. My face turned bright red, and I knew that I had to hurl once again.

I ran to the bathroom, and threw up for the fifth time. This time, however, made my stomach twist into a large knot and I didn't want to eat. I walked downstairs to grab a glass of ice water, and I was immediately questioned by my father and mother.

"Aria, you look flushed!"

"Aria, why are there bags under your eyes? Did you get enough sleep?"

"Honey, you look awful!"

This interrogation set my mood back even further, so I sat at the kitchen island and looked at my dad, whose hand rested on my shoulder.

"I think I caught the stomach flu." I said, lying straight to his face. Alison really had taught me a valuable lesson. "I'm just gonna go to sleep." I finished while rubbing my eyes. Truth be told, I really was exhausted.

"Okay, honey. Are you going to go to school tomorrow?" My mom asked, picking at her food.

That thought didn't even cross my mind. Of course I didn't want to, but I felt like I needed to. I needed to see him. I needed also to tell him, but that could most definitely wait.

"Yeah, I think I'll be okay tomorrow." I said laying my hand on the staircase railing.

"That's my girl!" My dad said, kissing my forehead lightly. "Good night, honey."

As I plopped into my bed and situated my body near the wall, I began to sob once again. However, I felt immediately comforted as I laid my hand onto my stomach, which would be my baby's home for the next couple months. It was still flat, but I knew that something was there, even if it was just the size of an appleseed or smaller.

I didn't sleep well that night. Instead, I was on my laptop researching how my pregnancy would progress and what to look out for. I had my blackout shades covering my window, so when I opened them, I was blinded by the intense sunlight that penetrated the luminescent glass.

I got dressed and did my makeup. However, there wasn't enough makeup in the world to cover up the redness of my face from crying all night. I still tried, though, and when I though it was good enough, I stepped outside my door and walked to my car.

Mike hopped in, buckled his seatbelt, and we were off to school.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asked, looking out the window at the neighbours' houses as we drove past them.

"I'm surprised you care." I said, in a meaner tone than I had planned.

"I'm sorry. I guess a brother shouldn't care about his sister and her romantic comedy of life, huh?" He said, laughing.

"So, should I drop you off here or a mile back?" I replied to his surprisingly sassy remark. He looked at me, smiling.

"Here's fine." He said, in a cheerful tone."Thanks for the ride, sis."

I continued to drive to the parking lot as he waved to me. What was going on? Mike never cared about my wellbeing. What makes him suddenly want to?

"I guess the therapy really is paying off." I said, fishing for an excuse to explain his sudden interest in my life.


As I made my way to my English class, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I looked back, and I saw none other than Hanna. She was practically bursting at the seams with happiness. She wore a bright yellow sundress and a VERY pink cardigan. I was almost blinded by her choice of wardrobe, considering that mine consisted of gray, black and blue.

"Hanna, what are you wearing?!" I asked, rolling my eyes."It's literally February."

"Well, I look happier than you do." She implied. "You look like just came from a funeral."

"If it's my hopes and dreams' funeral, then that's quite accurate." I said walking faster. She ran and caught up with me.

"You're such a buzzkill! You're acting like my mom on her period." She said, sarcastically.

"That's a wonderful image. Thanks for that, Han."

"No problem! I'll meet you in English!" She said, practically sprinting to Ezra's classroom.

"Right. Let's face the music." I said, pulling loose strands of hair out of my face and behind my ear as I entered my boyfriend's classroom.

He stood there, facing the chalkboard and writing something about Charles Dickens as I took my seat in the second to last row. I wrapped my arms around my stomach (which was something I never used to do) in order to comfort myself with the fact that I wasn't alone in this world. Heck, I wasn't even alone in my own body anymore!

I wondered how far along I was as Ezra continued to write on the board frantically to finish his lesson plan before the bell rang. I kept my arms tightly wrapped around my still-flat abdomen and I thought about making an appointment after school to find out more about the baby.

As much as I wanted him to come with me, I couldn't even bring myself to tell him. However, I think he caught on to my unusual habit of holding my stomach, as he looked at me in a way that made me nervous. I wanted to cry and leave and never come back, but I remained in my seat and flashed a weak smile at him.

This was awkward.

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