XIX. Cry Me A River

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About two nights after my mom and Mike decided that it was safe to go back to Rosewood, Ezra and I were getting ready for bed. It was about eleven o'clock on a warm, humid night, and we had been watching an old movie on the television in our living room prior to glancing at the clock and realizing how late it was getting.

As I looked over at Ezra, I realized that he had fallen asleep and I was the only one awake in the house. I laughed to myself and wrapped my slender arm around his shoulders and began trying to gently wake him up so we could head to the bedroom and get some much needed rest. As soon as he opened his eyes, I smiled and ran my hand down his stubble covered cheek and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"I guess I'm not the only one who can't make it through Chinatown." I whispered as he slowly began to wake up.

"Hang on," he began, still trying to shake off sleep,"I'll be more charming when I'm fully awake."

"I think you're charming all the time, my handsome husband." I replied in a seductive tone. He smirked back at me and pulled me in closer to his chest.

"Thank you, my beautiful wife." He whispered before kissing me passionately. We both smiled as we broke our intense lip lock. I ran my fingers through his messy hair and he moved closer to me. He looked down at my stomach and grinned again.

"You know," He began,"I sometimes have to sit and think for a minute just to wrap my head around the fact that I'm married to the woman of my dreams."

"I know what you mean. I sometimes can't comprehend that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with the man I love. And that I'm going to have his baby in a couple months." I replied with a chuckle. "Come on. Let's go to bed."

"Mmm...okay." He uttered, obviously exhausted. I giggled and he stood up. He took me by the hand and pulled me up off the couch. "What's so funny?"

"You when you're tired. It's actually really hilarious. But to be fair, me when my blood sugar drops is much worse." I answered, wrapping my arms around his neck and him putting his hands on my hips. "Seriously. I look like Spencer does when she hasn't had her coffee yet."

"I bet you don't look that bad. If it's even possible for you to look less than stunning."

"Okay, Mr. Fitz. It's time for bed."

"Yes, ma'am."

As we walked hand in hand to our bedroom, he wrapped his arm around my midsection and kissed me. I kissed him back, and although he was exhausted, he still managed to love me right; and that's something that even my mother now understood, because she had seen us as a couple while she and Mike stayed here. I mean, she teased me about it plenty. But, I knew she was happy for me.

Soon, we were laying in bed and kissing each other good night. And as soon as I turned the lights off, we both fell asleep.

However, at about one o'clock in the morning, I woke up after realizing that Ezra was trying to gently wake me. I turned over to see him with a pen and notepad, frantically writing something down. I smiled and put my hand on his thigh.

"Another late night epiphany?" I asked after he finished writing whatever it was he had come up with in his sleep.

"This one might actually be a good one." He replied, taking my hand in his. I raised an eyebrow in suspicion and he laughed. I sat up and he looked at me with a sparkle in his eyes, making me wonder what the heck was going on inside his head.

"What is it?"

"I mean, I want to write it. But, I need a second voice." He said, making me grow even more curious about what his epiphany that was obviously so important that he had to wake me up was.

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