XVIII. Fall Again

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Awhile later, Ezra and I were at home printing out pictures of our wedding and the pictures that Emily had taken for an at-home photo shoot. These pictures consisted mostly of my baby bump and Ezra and I with something pink or baby girl-related. We got one of Seraphina's ultrasound pictures and I wrote her full name on the back. Then, slipped the photos into a folder which would be delivered to my old house.

I was nervous about going over to the house to deliver it because once it was out of my hands, our secret wouldn't be a secret anymore. I told Ezra that if my father was home, I would only leave it under the door. I hardly knew my father as my dad anymore. To me, he was Byron Montgomery. Nothing more, nothing less. If my mom was the only one in the house, however, I would give it to her myself.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked me as I grabbed my purse and sweater, kissing me on my head. I leaned my head upwards and kissed him on the lips. We we finally broke our lip lock, I smiled at him.

"I'm sure. My mom needs to know that we're okay. Unlike Byron, my mom will hopefully be able to still love me after I give her this." I replied, holding onto the folder of pictures. He hugged me again and I held on to him tightly.

"I'm positive she will. Your mother loves you." He said, kissing me and putting his hands on my stomach.

"I hope you're right. But, it won't matter if she's able to love me again or not. I'm more worried about Sera coming into the world without a loving grandmother or grandfather." I replied, putting my smaller hands over his, which still rested on my small baby bump.

"She will always love you, Aria. And as for Sera, she will always have you and me and her three really loving illegitimate aunts." He reassured me, kissing me again.

"You're right, Ez. Let's go." I replied, holding his hand. We locked up the house and got in the car. Soon, we were passing the 'Welcome to Rosewood' sign and even closer to bringing this web of lies down with nothing more than a single truth which was, in my life, very uncommon. That was about to change, though. I was sure of that.

About twenty minutes later, Ezra and I were standing on the doorstep of my old family home and were about to knock on the door. My dad's car wasn't there, so he was probably out doing something. I clutched the folder with the pictures in it tightly and Ezra put his arm around my shoulders and held me tight.

I raised my fist to knock, but I couldn't do it. I kept on trying, but to no avail. I wanted to break down crying, but I knew I had to see my mom. Just this once; even if it was for the last time. As I rested one of my small hands on the top of the bulge in my stomach, Ezra reassured me and I knocked twice on the mahogany door. I let go of Ezra's hand as I heard my mother's footsteps running across the floor to the door, almost like she was hoping that I would be there or at least someone with information about where I was.

I heard the lock click open and the doorknob beginning to turn, and I held my breath and prepared for the verbal beating of a lifetime. As the door opened, however, I did not feel any pain or anger. What I felt was a soft, silk blouse rubbing on my exposed arms and the sweet smell of my mother's hair product as she pulled me into a hug, which was the last thing I had expected her to do.

"Aria, I am so sorry. I didn't mean anything I said-"

"Mom, it's okay. Ezra and I have been fine." I replied, looking at her and smiling. She was crying now, and I really had to try to hold back my tears.

"I'm glad." She said, smiling. "Ezra, I want you to know that I am so sorry about what I said."

"Mrs. Montgomery, I want you to know that no apology is necessary. It was my fault for springing information like that on you." He replied, putting his hand on my shoulder.

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