XIII. On the Outside Looking In

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As I folded a few of the shirts I had brought from my house when I packed to leave, I thought of Ezra's relationship to 'A'; if there was one and what it would mean for us if there was. I shuddered at the thought of my fiancé and father of my unborn baby working with the psychopath that has tormented my friends and I for the last year and a half. But then I remembered that Ezra was a genuine person and if he was working for 'A', it was probably for a good reason. Be that as it may, it was hard to think that there was ever a good reason to work for that twisted bitch.

Ezra was setting the Chinese food that we had picked up on our way to his apartment on the table. I looked over my shoulder at him and I knew that he would never do anything to hurt me. He loved me and I loved him.

As I sat down to eat dinner with him, I tried my best to not think about Ezra and 'A' having any relationship with one another, but I just couldn't stop thinking about it. Truth be told, I knew that he was up to something since we began getting serious. He was always so paranoid whenever I mentioned the latest text from 'A' or when he heard Hanna, Emily or Spencer talking about the last incident involving that bitch. I just didn't know if I could ever tell him my theory about him possibly working with my arch nemesis, especially amidst my pregnancy and our engagement. I knew that if he did confess to anything, it would be hard to forgive and forget, but I knew I could. I loved him so much and I never wanted to lose him.

About halfway through our meal, Ezra reached to hold my hand across the dinner table. I held his larger, manlier hand in my much smaller one as we stared into each other's eyes. There was a silence in that moment that wasn't like any other silences you've ever heard. This silence felt comforting, almost like you felt safer in the dark and quiet than in the crowded supermarket or mall. I felt so much less afraid with him than I did in my own house, even before the incident. I never wanted that to change. Soon, Ezra broke this intense yet assuaging silence.

"Seraphina." He said with a smile. I didn't know what he was attempting to tell me, but I knew that this was an extremely odd thing to say.

"What?" I replied. I looked at him with confusion in my eyes and he frowned ever so slightly. He laughed a little at himself and squeezed my hand which he still held.

"It's a name. A girl's name." He said. I finally caught on to what he was trying to tell me and I laughed at myself for not realizing it sooner.

"It's beautiful, Ez." I replied. I saw his eyes lighten up, and that made me happy.

There was another silence that filled the room as I ate a bite of my Chinese food that sat in front of me. It only lasted for a second, though. I broke it soon after.

"Tennyson." I said, breaking the silence. Ezra got really wide eyed for a second before flashing a huge smile. I could tell that he liked the name.

"I like the way you think, babe. And I LOVE that name. How'd you know that he was one of my favorite poets?" He replied, squeezing my hand a little as he did. I smiled back at him as I put down my fork and pointed at a poster on the wall above his desk.

"Well, your Alfred Lord Tennyson poster kinda gave it away."

As I said this, he snorted a little as he laughed. He became red in the face as I laughed at him. He noticed my laughter and laughed a little back at me. I smirked and he smirked back.

"What?" I said, smirking at him from across the table. Soon, he was getting up and in a flash, he was scooping me up from my chair and sitting on the couch with me in his arms. He ran his fingers through my hair as he kissed my cheek.

"Your laugh is cute. Almost as cute as you are." He replied, stroking my cheek with his hand. I kissed him and he kissed me back. I had already forgotten about dinner, which still sat on the table.

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