XXII. We Are Family (I'm sorry lmao)

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"Of course we would." Ezra replied as he clutched my hand. Dr. Murphy smiled and handed me Ezra's and my daughter.

"She weighs 6.2 pounds, which is normal considering the length of your pregnancy. She's also 17 inches long. I'll give you three some privacy. And congratulations, by the way."

And with that, he left the room to give us some privacy as we got to know the little miracle swaddled in blankets on my chest.

As I looked down at her, I felt a series of emotions I had never experienced before. I was happy, excited, nervous and overall, just there. I felt like I was in the moment for the first time in what felt like forever. Sera was crying still, but she had quieted down since she was handed to me.

She was absolutely perfect. She was beautiful, even at a mere five minutes old. Although she didn't have much hair on her head, I could tell that she had the same dark brown hair that both Ezra and I had. Her eyes were closed, so I couldn't see the color they were just yet. But when she opened them, even just for a moment, I could see that she had the biggest most beautiful hazel eyes you had ever seen.

I looked up at Ezra, and he was crying. So was I. I held his hand and brought it over to our daughter's much smaller one. He let it rest there, and before long, Sera had wrapped her tiny hand around his pointer finger. He knelt down beside the hospital bed and we both just looked at our little bundle of joy. As I looked Ezra, I began to notice something. And when I looked back down at Sera's small face, I smiled.

"Mike was right." I said, putting my hand on his and Sera's. "She does have your nose."

This made him chuckle a bit and he kissed me before looking back down at her.

"Yeah. But, she has your eyes." He replied, wiping away tears with his free hand. "Your big, beautiful eyes."

I smiled shyly and he sat next to me on the hospital bed. It was a new feeling: having the two most important people in my life so close to me all at once. And I loved it.

"Do you want to hold her?" I asked, sitting up on the bed. His eyes grew wide and I smiled.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'd like to." He replied as his red, puffy eyes squinted like they usually did when he smiled. I handed Sera to Ezra gently and he cradled her. It was definitely the sweetest thing I had ever seen.

He leaned in and kissed her on her head as she slept.

"Isn't she beautiful?" I asked in disbelief. Ezra nodded and sniffed back tears, but he didn't remove his eyes from our daughter. He was completely enraptured at the living proof of his and my love in his arms, just like he was when I first handed him my sonogram picture about five months ago.

Ezra held Sera for five minutes, taking in every single detail of her face and all her features and barely taking her eyes off of her. She had ceased crying completely; and that's when I finally understood the seriousness of a strong father-daughter bond. She was already a daddy's girl. But, I didn't mind. He'd be taking the night shifts.

After another minute or so, he handed Sera back to me and I held her close.

"Hey, can you go see if Dr. Murphy needs to do any further tests?" I asked quietly to Ezra, who still looked completely awestricken at the fact that he and I were parents. I was, too.

"Of course. I'll be right back." He responded as he got up and walked out the door. Then, it was just Sera and I. She had fallen asleep, and I held her closer to my chin. She was so perfect.

"I love you, Sera." I whispered as I closed my eyes and cried tears of ecstasy once again.


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