"Daddy, Where's Mommy?"

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"Morning you guys."

"Good morning daddy!" Mayzie almost knocks ever her cup when she jumps from her seat to run and hug me.

When I pick her up, she rests her head on my shoulder and wraps her arms around my neck.

"It smells good down here, what's for breakfast?"

"Zozo made eggs!" My daughter squeals in my ear.

"I made some for you." Zoey hands me a plate of eggs and a coffee mug. "That's the mug mom had made for you."

"This one?" I frown, looking at the mug. It looks like the rest of our white mugs.

"There's a message on the bottom."

When I glance underneath the mug there's nothing and Zoey mutters 'oh my god' under her breath.


"On the inside."

That makes sense...

"Daddy," Mayzie suddenly brings her head up from my shoulder. "Where's Mommy?"

"Mommy's at the doctor." Kissing Mayzie on the cheek, I set her down. "Why don't you go color her a picture."

"Okay!" She runs out of the kitchen and

Theo stands up. "I'll color her one too!"

Ryder starts to follow after his siblings.

"Ah, Ryder," Zoey stops him. "We have school."

"Actually, I called the school, you guys are off for the rest of the week."

"Yes!" Ryder punches the air before running off.

"Did you manage to get me off work?" Xander walks into the kitchen dressed in his uniform.

"No, do you want the day off?" I could probably get him the day off if he wants...

"Not really. I'll probably be by the hospital to see mom around noon though."

"Be safe Xander." I give him Amelia's line.

"Always... Mom?" He mocks me, heading out the door.

Zoey and I are now alone in the kitchen, she won't make eye contact with me because she knows what I'm going to say.

"I think we should talk about it."

"Yes, let's talk about mom with no little kids around."

"You know that's not what I meant." I glare at her. "I'm being serious." I say when she gives me a smug look.

She joking look disappears. "I talked with mom and Doctor Treager, I'm good."

"Zoey." I can see her younger self kicking and hear her screaming.

"Daaaad," She whines, walking toward me. "It was just because of the school thing, even Doctor Treager said so." Hugging me she whispers. "I'm fine, you made sure of it."

Knocking on the door I wonder why the hell I'm even here.

This is stupid. When I finally decide I should just leave, the door opens.

"My baby!" Amelia shouts.


"Oh," She's disappointed, again, why the hell did I come? "I thought you were Meghan and Isaiah and Carter."

"Just me." I chuckle awkwardly.

She opens the door wider. "Well, come in."

Is it too late to run? Yes. Sighing, I walk into Amelia's apartment.

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