"No, a Nightmare"

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Long Chapter. Please comment!

A dream. No, a nightmare. That's the only explanation as to the reason that Cameron James just knocked my boyfriend to the ground in one swift punch to the jaw.

"Hey ba-" I send the man who broke my heart the harshest glare I can muster. Apparently, he's turned into a real jerk these past few years, not that I didn't know that already. "What is wrong with you?" I find myself screeching, kneeling to help Ryan. "Are you okay?" I ask him, my hands shaking. There's so much confusion in Ryan's eyes it makes me frown.

"Uh." My boyfriend looks at the people surrounding us before looking back to me. "Yeah, I'm fine."

But he doesn't look fine, he looks as if he should be the one in this ridiculous hospital gown, and now there's a dark bruise already forming. I'm about to argue his statement when Meghan kneels next to me.

"Mia, whatcha doing?" She frowning and I've never seen her look so confused.

"Helping my boyfriend?" I question and only second later a strong arm pulls me from the ground.

"Taking the joke a little too far Amelia." Cameron growls into my ear and I get frustrated as he holds me against him even tighter. "This isn't funny." He jerks me back to him, almost painfully causing me to scream out.

So many questions overwhelm me. When did Cameron officially lose it? Why isn't anyone helping me? More importantly, why isn't Ryan saving me?

"What is going on up here?" A new voice joins us causing Cameron to loosen his iron clasp on my waist and I take the opportunity to jerk away just in time to hear the old doctor speak again while helping Ryan stand. "Doctor Hunt, get the patient back into her room." When I see him looking at Ryan's nose I push Isaiah back. "Well it's defientily broken." The doctor mumbles and I turn to the billionaire jackass.

"You broke my boyfriends nose!" I surprise myself when I send my palm against his cheek.

My own ragged breath is all I can hear as complete silence ensues, at least for a moment.

"Doctor Hunt! Get the patient into her room or you will be kicked off of this floor!"

Something about what he says causes me to turn from a very pale looking Cameron.

"Wait," I look at Isaiah, for the first time, taking in his white lab coat that covers his navy scrubs. "How are you a doctor already?"

Nursing school. He had applied for nursing school. From the corner of my eye, I see Cameron sink to the floor, but I look away, too angry to care about whatever he has going on.

"Mia," Meghan almost gasps, gripping my arm.

"No," I jerk my arm out of her grip, panic building up inside of me, especially when my best friend looks at me with so much concern. "We graduated two years ago. How are you already a doctor?" I ask Isaiah. "That's impossible." No one can can finish medical school in a quarter of the time it's supposed to take.

"Miss. Evens," The old doctor calls me and I turn to him while, almost simultaneously, an animal like growl comes from behind me. The doctor pulls out a small, white penlight, shining it into my eyes. "Can you follow my light?" I do as I'm told and he hums softly, while frowning. "Miss. Evans, how old are you?"

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