"My Bed Is Cold"

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A hot shower is what I needed. My head rests against the tile as scalding washes down my back, melting the tension that's built up there.

"I'm going to be in your bed tonight." Amelia says while I load our dinner plates into the dishwasher.

"Is that your way of subtly telling me to wear pajamas?" I ask, grinning at the way she flushes.

"Please." She mutters, picking at the dining table.

"What are you doing?" I ask Amelia as I walk out of the bathroom. She's intently looking at the phone and her face is red.

"Nothing." She jumps, throwing the phone.

"Your face says otherwise." I chuckle, reaching for Amelia's iPhone. Typing the date of our first kiss into the phone, I glance at what she had been looking at.

Our texts are pulled up and considering that when I'm away from home I start thinking like a horny teenager, they're not meant to be seen by anyone other than my wife.

Sighing, I look at Amelia. She's still beyond flushed and looking down at her hands.

"Amelia," I start but pause because I really don't know what to say.

"You better sleep now while I'm gone because you won't be sleeping when I get home."

"I need you, my bed is cold."

The texts start off innocent quickly moving to something not so innocent.

"I don't know what to say." I tell her, holding my arms out in front of me. "I- I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for." She mumbles, not looking up.

I glance down at the phone. "I'm going to delete them." I slide the our messages to the left.

"No!" Amelia rises to her knees and my hands freezes.


"What if I want those messages when I get my memory back?" She asks, frowning. "I didn't delete them right after you sent them so I obviously want them."

"When you get your memory back," I say, deleting the messages and tossing the phone down. "I'll send you more."

"You deleted all of the texts?!" She cries, grabbing the phone from me.

"Yes," Why is she mad? "I know you don't want to hear this but there are more messages like that and you don't need to see them."

"I'm not five." She's growls. "I'm an adult, I can handle text messages."

"Yeah," I scoff. "You handled it really well while you sat here trying not to pass out from embarrassment."

"Don't belittle me." She says, getting up from the bed. "I was dealing with it and I would have been fine if you had just given me a second!"

"You wanna read those texts?" I growl back at her. I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't. "Here," I grab my phone off the dresser. "You can still read them if you want." I open the messages and scroll through them. "Here's a good one." I ignore her glare and read it. "I'm going to fuck you all night until you can't move." I scroll further, looking for another. "Or this one. I'm want my name falling from your lips while mine explore every inch of you. You want me to keep going?" I snap, looking up and noticing tears in her eyes.

"I sent you a list." She sniffles, and the sound just weighs my chest down. "The day before my accident, I sent you a text with a list of reason I was in love with you."


"I just wanted to see if there was other stuff on there." She looks at me and I feel like a ass. "Other messages."

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