"Would You Like A Divorce"

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My eyes skim the files brought by Jack.

"This is all you could find?"

"She traveling for med school but her father's sudden illness brought her home. She had plans to continue classes here but with the threats she may be taking an indefinite leave from school."

"Thank you." I dismiss my head of security and he nods leaving.

"Cameron," There's a knock on the door to my office before Isaiah walks in. The dark blue scrubs an indication that he's either head to work or just leaving. "I wanted to talk to you."

Just leaving, I decide noting the bags under his eyes.

"Drink?" Not standing, I motion the the shelf of alcohol on the wall.

He shakes his head moving to sit in the chair across from my desk.

"What's that?"

"Information on Audrey Rush."

His eyebrows rise fractionally. "Woah."

"Xander was put on bodyguard duty."

"He accepted."

"Not at first." I set the file to the side, letting my feet come up to rest on top of the desk. "But then he changed his mind, but I promised him I wouldn't discuss it so change the subject."

"I talked to Dr. Percy." The name of my wife's neurologist perks my ears up but Isaiah's frown makes me realize I may not like what he has to say. "Cameron, you know the longer she goes without her memory, the less likely it is for her to get it back right?"

"I know." I nod, I hate thinking about it and I actually try not to, but I know each day that passes is simply the possibility of my wife returning slipping away.

Isaiah set a white card down on my desk. 'Marriage Counseling with Cecelia'. "She great and she help with any type of marriage issue." Isaiah says slowing and my heart starts to pound, marriage counseling? "You know it wasn't sunshine and rainbows for Meghan and I after Carter was born. There was a lot of hurt between the two of us and be both needed to learn to trust each other. She may have some excellent advice if you ever need it." He tells me, bringing his ankle up to rest on the opposite knee.

I've never thought about therapy, I mean Amelia and I's marriage has been perfect, before the accident I would have never imagined needing now.

Now, a week having gone by and her not showing signs of remembering, maybe we will need help in the future.

"Thank you." I mutter, slipping the card into my wallet.

Isaiah nods, pursing his lips. "How has it been going?"

"It's borderline torture." I tell him, meaning it. "I'm feel like I'm walking on eggshells every step I take. I'm terrified I'm going to say something to make her leave or not talk to me. And nothing ever happens, she hardly wants to talk and I'm scared to try to force her.

"Well, with the kids coming back tomorrow maybe it will be more normal."

"I hope."


"Are you okay?" Amelia shakily nods her head.
"Are you sure?" This will either be a great thing or it will be that finally breaks the last thread that holds her to me.

"Yes, they're just children, they need their mother and father."

"They are fine with their Aunt and Uncle until you feel ready, they can be overwhelming." I love each of my children dearly, and they make me better in everything I do, but sometimes they drive me crazy.

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