13. The road to forgiveness

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~ Forgiveness is a virtue, and humans are well sinners. Not everyone can forgive that easily~

"Manik!", Her voice was meek, and throaty with the constant crying. Manik very slowly left his mother's cheeks and turned around to face her, his eyes taking in her disheveled appearance.

" Nandini!", The word escaped his mouth, even though he hadn't wanted to, but no matter what, he could never ever see him in pain.

A few tears trickled down her chubby cheeks as they both kept staring at each other. Manik's eyes were dry, but somehow only his eye's were dry, his heart had been weeping since a long time, even though this was the first when his mother and Nandini were aware of it.

" I am sorry?", She apologized again to him, and Manik shook his head. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Shiwali's words were ringing continuously. Whatever happened was not only her fault.

"It was not only your fault Nandini", he spoke it aloud, and the acceptance lifted a heavy weight off his chest.

"It was kind of. I shouldn't have taken you for granted Manik", Nandini sobbed as she spoke, but there was no other way they could talk without her breaking down. Guilt was eating her up inside.

" It was more my fault than yours. I had made you the centre of my world, then and even now. Maybe that was why I couldn't move on. Maybe that was why it is affecting me even after so many years", Manik sighed as he lowered his eyes, and he missed the shattered expression in her eyes.

It was the first normal conversation they were having, and he had told her how important she had been to him, and how he wished not to give her that importance in one sentence.

Suddenly, Manik looked up. There was no point denying that he cared for her, and even after so much of misunderstandings and separation, he knew that he could understand her in a blink of an eye. He could see her punishing herself with the thoughts. He could see the guilt seeping in her eyes. And also, he knew whatever happened was in the past. He couldn't hold on to if for his entire life. He walked closer and ran a thumb across her cheeks, wiping them clean.

" Nandini, I will try to forgive you for everything", he blurted and Nandini and Pakhi looked up in complete surprise

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" Nandini, I will try to forgive you for everything", he blurted and Nandini and Pakhi looked up in complete surprise. For the first time in the entire day, Manik smiled, a true and genuine Manik Malhotra smile.

" Yes, I will try, and forget everything that had happened. I want to heal too, and for that I will have to let you and all that hurt go. Maybe, this is the time", he was relieved but he didn't realize how he was assembling and crushing her together in one instance.

"Let go?", Nandini heard everything from his monologue, but her heart was stuck up only two words. How could he let her go? She loved him for the sake of god.

And then the realization set in, throwing her off guard. She loved him, and it nowhere meant, he loved her too. How could he, when all she had gifted him, was pain and sufferings, decorated with insults?

Nandini smiled too, a painful one though. She had understood late, but then they say better late than never, and she now knew better than to fetch for her selfish joy. He needed to be happy more than she did. He deserved it and when she looked at him, she knew in her heart that she would do anything to keep him happy and content.

Manik on the other hand was feeling relaxed after a long time, and he fetched his cell phone to call the only person he did, with all his feelings and decisions, when it struck him. He needed to see her, right then, because amidst all the chaos, he had missed her tears she had hidden that tactfully.

"Shit! Maa, I need to go to Shiwali's", he turned with the realization when Nandini grabbed his wrist.

"Manik, wait. I will drive you there, you should not drive alone", Manik stood rooted for a few seconds when he heard her. It was a decade since he had the glance of his Nandu, his bestest friend who cared for him. He nodded in acceptance and Nandini picked up the car keys.

Shiwali was sitting on the ground, her back resting against her bed, and head dipped in her lap as her knees were held up against her chest. Her shaking of shoulders every now and then was the only sign of her crying, otherwise the room was silent.

"That's not fair. Someone told me tears cause dehydration, and it's not at all good for health", Shiwali looked up in shock to find Manik standing with a loopsided grin.

" Manik?", She blinked unable to believe his presence.

" Yes, Shivi?", He sat down in front of her and wiped her wet cheeks.

" Manik? What the hell? How did you come here? You drove, Manik? Are you stupid?", She would have gone paranoid if Manik hadn't held her nimble wrists and shook his head at her.

"Calm down Shivi. I didn't want to die, so I didn't drive. Nandini gave me a lift", he uttered and Shiwali looked up in shock to find Nandini standing at the door of her room. She looked back and forth between Manik and Nandini, when Manik chuckled.

"Yes, I finally decided to give heed to my best friend's years of advice. I am trying to forgive her and start afresh", Manik confessed and a huge grin made its way on Shiwali's face. This was what she had wanted and prayed to hear, every night. She jumped and hugged Manik, who got startled initially but balanced himself later to hug his precious friend back.

On the gate, it bled Nandini's heart to hear him call her his best friend. She had now officially lost her position. But she was glad to atleast be a friend to him at the moment, because she knew soemhere she deserved worse.

" I am so happy for both of you", Shiwali squealed as she got up and Manik laughed at her. Shiwali made a face at him, and ran towards Nandini to hug her. It made Nandini teary eyed, for judging Shiwali and thinking ill about her.

"I am so glad for both of you", Nandini smiled at Shiwali's statement when she heard Manik grumble.

" I am hungry, for your choclate waffles only", he complained with a pout and Shiwali laughed at him shaking her head, before he started to drag her downstairs to the kitchen. Shiwali grabbed Nandini alongwith them taking her by surprise yet again.

As Manik sat hogging the waffles, Nandini and Shiwali stood watching him with big grins on their faces. Suddenly Nandini turned towards her and sighed.

" I know I might not deserve it, but can we be freinds too?",she forwarded a palm to Shiwali, and both Shiwali and Manik were taken aback with the gesture. Shiwali smiled as she shook her hand with her.

" Friends are not deserved. They are made with heart and held onto life long", she came forwrad to hug Nandini and Nandini reciproctaed nodding. It was not long before both of them took on the kitchen, setting up dinner because well, everyone was hungry.

Shiwali lived in a one bedroom apartment alone, since she had been born and brought up in a care home, being an orphan. She had bought this after she saved for two years during her internship at the hospital. Manik knew she hated being alone, and watching her bond with someone else, smiling and giggling like usual seemed comforting to him too.

Manik watched the two girls bond in peace. His heart fluttered and he felt elated at them. It had been too much time that he felt this relaxed and well, happy. Maybe, life was up for better now.

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