22. The Needed Confrontation

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~sometimes what you see is just the hazy version of the truth. The truth can be actually very, very different!~

" Fellowship my foot!", Manik screamed, fisting and unfisting, and Nandini held his arms, she could feel the shudder that ran through him.

"You tell me Nandini, Mumbai has any less of hospitals? Any less good of doctors? Then why? Why do she need to do a fellowship course from London? And she didn't even discuss it with me, she bloody informed me!", He was still out of control, and Nandini could see the anger resurfacing in his eyes.

Now, Nandini didn't exactly knew what Shiwali had told Manik but now she could join the bits and pieces. Maybe she had told him she was leaving for a fellowship course in London, since her post graduate degree was completed. Smart move, she praised her in her own head.

"Manik! Sit down here, now!", Nandini had to literally drag him to the sofa, and made him sit, and help him with a glass of water. She could see how disturbed he was with the news, and her mind was giving her alarming signals.

Maybe, he had feelings for Shiwali, and that was why he was reacting like this.

" Why me, Nandini? Why does the history have to repeat? First you, and now her, why do my best friends always leave me?", He hid his face in his palms, and rubbed his hands over his face, missing the lost twinkle that Nandini's eyes regained.

His best friend was leaving him, again, and that was why he was reacting like this. Not because of what she thought.

She felt utterly selfish to have this thought at the moment, but she could not help it, her heart was not in control of her rational mind.

A few hours later, the moon was smirking at her, as Nandini stood by her window lost deep in thoughts. The past three hours had gone by, just like that, with Nandini trying to cajole the angry, frustrated and hurt Manik. She had to literally threaten him and bring back home. He was acting so irritated, so vulnerable, but Nandini, now, could understand where it was coming from. It was his fear, of being left alone, which was resurfacing again, given the circumstances were similar to what was ten years ago, just the character had changed. It wasn't her this time, but for him, it was still a dear friend leaving him, and she could clearly empathize this time. Her gaze fell on the wall clock that strike 10 pm, and Nandini took a deep breath before fetching her phone and purse.

It was time, she stop being the docile toy, and take the situation in control.

Before she could leave, something struck her and she took hurried steps back, to Pakhi's room.

" Maa!", She pushed open the door to startle a lost in book Pakhi, who looked up at her frowning.

" I have an urgent question to ask!", Nandini spoke, and Pakhi patted the seat beside her, nodding and asking her to go ahead.

" If the choice is between something that is feasible and beneficial for you, and something that is right, ethically, what do you choose?", Nandini blurted, and Pakhi chuckled.

" Everybody will choose feasibility Nini, but my Nandini will choose what is right. That is what makes Nandini Murthy who she is", Pakhi kept her hand on her head, and that was all Nandini needed to hear. She smiled at Pakhi, before kissing her cheek, and ran out leaving a confused Pakhi behind.

The front door to Shiwali's apartment was unlocked, and Nandini pushed it open, to enter, fuming. She found Shiwali standing amid the pile of clothes she was packing, but Nandini could see how disinterested she was, for none else pairs a yellow kurta with flouroscent green Plaszo. Almost all the colours were mismatched.

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