29. A Love like this!

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~ The Heart wants what it wants~

Nandini didn't even bat an eyelash, when Manik took the long route back home. She kept her gaze fixed at the window, letting the cool breeze play with her messy tresses. Back at the cafe, when Manik had asked her out she had nodded at him, with a subtle blush on her cheeks and Manik had immediately hugged her, kissing her forehead. It was so fairytalish, the claps and the coos in the cafe were a living proof of that.

But it didn't erase the fact that Nandini was disappointed, in heart, either way. She wanted to listen those three words from him, sweep him off his feet with her love, and end the evening with a kiss. She understood that she was being greedy and maybe kinda selfish again, but she could not help it. She also understood that she needed time to actually process his own feelings, but She had been in love with him for so long, that now that she saw similar emotions in his eyes, she wanted it all for herself right then.

As she saw fighting the war in her mind, Manik watched her keenly with an amused expressions. She didn't probably realize but her facial expressions were changing with her ongoing thoughts and she looked adorable at that. Also, he had a kind of intuition what she was thinking. When it came to nandini, he always knew what was wrong and how, except that one wretched time. Sighing, he pulled over in one corner of the road, turning to face her.

" Nandini?", He called out, and that broke her chain of thoughts, making her also realize that the war was no longer moving, and Manik was talking to her..

She turned to face him too, with questioning eyes.

"Nandini, feeling disappointed, are we?", His face was so calm, so serene, and yet so warm that Nandini felt her heart beats go frenzy. How in the world had she expected to hide her confused emotions from Manik, who was used to reading her in a blink?

She shook her head in a no, but kept her mouth shut for she didn't trust the words. Also, she didn't really want to pressurize or force him into it.

Manik held her right hand in his grip as Nandini fought the urge to be warpped in his arms. Rubbing soothing circles on the back of her palm, Manik forced her to look him in the eye.

" I dont want to hurry Nandini, i want to explore US, together, slowly. I dont know if this what we share is love, but i know that being with you brings me peace. You are the light to my dark skies Nandini, you are my shining star. And i want you to know that I didn't say I love you because i want to say them with full confidence, in a more special way", he explained her, and she found tears brimming in her eyes at his words.

" And i also know that this disappointment of yours is not only because i didn't like really confess. What is it that is bothering you?", Manik asked again, and Nandini wasn't really suprised. She had accepted it now. Hiding from Manik was impossible.

" I dont know i an just scared!", She spoke for the first time, in a more voice, not very likely of her. Manik didn't say anything but pressed her hand in assurance, asking her to continue.

"I know this might be stupid but, what if I loose you again? What if you find someone better and fall in love with her? Will I be left alone, again?", Nandini could not help but let her insecurities take over. She was usually not this vulnerable, but with the happenings of the last few days, she had succumbed to it, and even though her sane mind knew it was pointless, she could not make her heart agree.

Shaking his head quite a few times, Manik opened the car door and came out, moved to the other side and opened the door for Nandini, who too came out puzzled.

Manik didn't say anything for the first few minutes, just kept staring at her, until it made Nandini conscious and she lowered her eyes.

He then, jerked her in, and embraced her tightly, taking her off the feet, and Nandini could feel blood rushing throughout her body at the sudden but passionate contact. A few seconds later she too gave in, and held on to him tighter.

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